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Job interviews are one of the most nerve-wracking experiences any individual can possibly go through. You're trying to figure out what business casual actually means, memorize all of your star-studded accomplishments, all the while trying not to break a sweat (and make eye contact). A piece of advice: think of the interview process as if you are the one interviewing the interviewer, rather than the other way around. Do you really want to work here? What about the job do you like for yourself?
Sometimes, we come across the most entitled management making interviewees even more nervous; summoning employees to do technical tests without warning, other employees telling you not to work there, or making them interview at ungodly hours of the night. Yes, you heard me. Overworked employees are now being expanded: meet the overworked prospective employees. Working for a company before you're hired and without compensation sets the tone for the work environment you enter. If it's not clear: this is a big no-no. Have you ever noticed a glaring red flag during the interview process?
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