Some days, usually right in the middle of the week, my social battery runs out and I can't be bothered socializing with anyone, not even my coworkers. I cannot bear the thought of sitting with them at lunch, gossiping about the big boss or anyone else in the company. So on days like these, I usually grab my lunch and find a peaceful corner in the office to shut down and recharge my battery as much as I can in the 30 minutes I have for a break, and while I charge, I also scroll aimlessly on my phone.
Usually, I scroll through some random meme collection, but in the past few weeks I have reactivated my 2014 Tumblr account, and I have been really enjoying scrolling through the posts and memes on my Tumblr feed. Then I thought, why not combine between the meme collections and Tumblr, and create a funny and witty collection of the most hilarious Tumblr memes I could find?
That is exactly what I did, so make sure to scroll down to enjoy this week's collection of silly Tumblr memes. After you are done with those, click here for a story of family drama over a used car.