Going on vacation with your kids shouldn't count as a full vacation. Because parenting never stops, even if you're in a tropical locale with a wide-brimmed hat on. Your kids still need sunscreening, entertaining, and making sure they have their floaties on if they're going to venture into the deep end of the pool. You have to really prioritize me-time even when you're supposedly having your me-time.
But you never know when your child is going to need you, and odds are it's going to be at an inopportune time. You might have thought you'd found peace after you finally sat down with your beach read and your piña colada, but then your kid comes running up to you wanting to show you a weird rock they found. It's tough to get a moment's respite. But perhaps you can get that much-needed rest while giving these tweets a good scroll. They're always here for you.