Oh, another Sunday has come, and the only thing that we can say is: thank goodness. We don't know how much more of this week we could have taken. It was long, it was tiring. The world is still on fire, but at least the Olympics are happening, and even though cats did not participate, people still made sure to include them in their memes in this week's best of cat twitter collection. As they should have. Because really, if cats participated, then cats would win. In everything. Because people would vote based on their cuteness and amazing powers of meownipulation.
Alas, cat are not participating in this year's Olympics, so they cannot win. But we can. And we are. Because we're getting some hissterical new cat memes to enjoy out of the whole thing, and really, what could pawssibly be better than a bunch of fresh and pawsome cat memes?
Be honest… if you were one of the judges and one of the competitors - in any of the events - had been a cat, there would not even have been a competition. We are so whipped for them and think that they are so purrfect that they would get the highest score in everything, even if they just took a nap on the field.
Really, whose form here is more purrfect? Clearly the cat's. Clearly the cat should be the winner. It's doing this trick without even putting any effort into it. That's what makes it so good. And clearly, we are very unbiased judges.
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