Welcome back introvert girlies of the internet. The common binary question of 'are you an introvert or an extrovert' has been around for ages. Personally, I think most people don't fit perfectly into one category. Neither have a clear cut definition; some people associate introverted as shy, and extroverted as outgoing. Some people refer to it as the amount of alone time one needs to recharge. What I do know is that being introverted is more and more common, for good reason.
People can be annoying, stupid, or downright mean, and it's completely appropriate to feel loathsome towards them, natural even. The longer you exist in the world, the easier it is to develop a complete detest and deterrence from humanity. Keep your friends, and stay far from anyone else who disrupts your peace. In 2024, we're sick of the social facades, the fakeness, and keeping people in our lives who we know we don't like. So enjoy these introverted memes while you're bundled up in bed with you, yourself, and your cat.
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