Welcome, introverted internet ladies. Summer is relentlessly upon us. For many, that means that each day is spent soaking up the sun, scorching away all remnants of the winter sads and replacing it with an excess of vitamin D. There is no lack of beach parties, cookouts, and music festivals to socialize in during this season of sunshine. For others, the summer heat drives us indoors as if we were Victorian vampires. Being cooped up is no fun, either, especially when the alternative is sticky with sweat and dehydrated.
We all have different ways of coping with the dissonance of having intense FOMO but also wanting to stay cool indoors. Some of us close all the blinds, blast the AC, and re-watch Halloween movies to wait it out until fall comes around. Others have an uptick of Amazon orders in the summer because retail therapy from the comfort of your laptop satisfies better than a cold coffee in this weather. Some of us book extra sessions with our therapist to keep us grounded. Most of us, though, feel at least little better after reading a sarcastic and relatable Tweet to heal us during this difficult time. Check out 25 of them below!
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