Welcome back, internet surfer ladies. When we reach a certain milestone or achieve a personal success, it is natural to want to celebrate with your friends, family, and community. Oftentimes, they are directly responsible for supporting us emotionally, financially, or logistically, and we want to give back with good food, good music, and good vibes while also getting recognition and attention for our efforts. Sometimes, though, as much as we'd like to celebrate with everyone we're close with, it is not the right time. Inviting a recently divorced or widowed relative to your wedding or a friend who just got laid off to a dinner you're hosting to celebrate your promotion can feel wrong and insensitive. Ultimately, it is up to that individual to decide for themselves if they can put their hardships aside and celebrate with you or not, and it is up to you to accept their decision.
In our story today, a woman's sister was unable to handle attending a baby shower without going into a 30 minute tirade about her own fertility struggles. While everyone had sympathy for her situation, our protagonist felt that it was unfair to make the whole event about herself, especially since she had a history of doing so. Read below for the full details.
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