Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. It's perfectly normal to adopt, and in fact, it's even good for the world. Sadly, there are tons of unwanted babies in the world, so adopting one that needs a home is an important action that helps children globally. And although it's normal, as well as good for the world, some people still have a hard time adjusting to the idea that being non blood related is okay. Some people are stuck in an archaic religious mentality, or too attached to traditional ideas that it's impossible for them to see outside of this mindset.
This brings us to the Reddit thread. It's about a woman who's adopted her late best friend's daughter. As she considers her her own, the daughter also knows that she's adopted. Everything about the situation runs smoothly, until the woman's SIL offends her by taking a paternity test behind her back. She ignorantly assumes that the woman is raising an affair baby, not knowing the full story.
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