At ATMs in Japan, there are umbrella / cane & cup holders to put your items down when you get your cash
Stickers for veggies that are still available at a local farmers market to help navigation also it's super cute
Pathways that you can follow while taking trains so you don't get lost during your transfer
Sauce packets that don't require you to rip the corner they break upon squeeze- leading to a cleaner experience (+ less waste to keep track of)
Rotating platforms to allow for large vehicles to turn without making 3-point turns (added safety for pedestrians and passengers)
Coin lockers in every transportation hub, allowing you to put your baggage down, and explore areas hands and hassle-free additionally the dimensions of these lockers are exact to airport luggage dimensions
Toilet paper refill just got more frictionless
Decibel monitor for construction sites to help monitor noise throughout their process - so thoughtful!
Oftentimes in grocery stores, you bring your haul to the counter and bag your items yourself need to know how many bags to purchase? fear not, you're given a cheat sheet for how many medium / large bags you need based off how full your cart is
I have been really impressed by Japan's accessibility features as well almost everywhere, there are yellow raised grooves (tenji blocks) have ridges to help guide the visually impaired
Also look, this elevator has 3 sets of buttons- functionality is always within reach in case you enter first and are at the back, you don't have to ask someone else to push the buttons for you
Conveyor belt sushi: multiple rows for parallel delivery to different customers
Onigiris are wrapped in a way so that the seaweed and the rice are separated, so the former stays crispy when you eat them, the plastic in between them is removed along with the outside wrapper
This elevator in Japan has an emergency toilet.
My local cinema has a guide to which movies have mid and post credit scenes
This way to show no battery is included.
Tire tread marker shows you when you should replace your tires
Hotel TV has an option to clear all your credentials at once from the apps you used
An Italian bank randomizes the digits' keyboard so that if you are seen by others by the side it's more difficult to get the pin-code
Including a blank board game piece, just in case you lose one later
In Japan, they put a barcode in the meat package that darkens when the meat spoils, reacting to ammonia. When it darkens, the barcode is unreadable.
My plastic wrap has a warning that shows whenever you start running low
My jerky came with a flossing stick
This remote has glow in the dark buttons for pause, play, forward and rewind
Hexagon shaped crayons so they don't roll off of the table