Welcome back introverts of the internet. The internet is a wondrous place for introverts; no need to talk to people face to face, to open your mouth and speak, or to make eye contact with anyone. Though people may see your introvertedness as inimical, it's actually just an aversion to socializing for long periods of time. With the invention of the internet, you can spend as much time with yourself as you want.
Extroverts on the other hand, might be so entangled with their need for constant socialization that they can't empathize with the desire to be alone. Regardless of where someone stands, having some peace and quiet to yourself is something everyone should do once in a while. It's important for peace of mind, recharging, and being able to function properly in society. So if you're a quiet introvert looking for some alone time, solo movie nights, and for people to leave you alone, this listicle is for you.
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