Welcome, web-surfin' sisters. Being a mother isn't easy. Dealing with random tantrums over the smallest things, catching illnesses more often because children are just adorable germ vectors, and constantly second-guessing your parenting choices will leave any mother feeling exhausted and drained. This is why it is so important to have a good support system — an attentive husband, an accommodating family, or a neighborly community. Unfortunately, some women are lucky enough to have all of the above and yet still choose to abandon their children for the freedom that they believe they lost on the path to parenthood.
In our story today, a woman packs her bags and leaves her family behind, claiming that she needs a 'break' from parenting. Her own parents, refusing to administer consequences to their golden child daughter, attempt to pin the parental responsibility on her sister, a woman in her early 30s who is in no way equipped to handle three small children. Get all the details down below.
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