Lilli picked me out
I've saved many kitties over the years, but with all of them excluding Lilli and her gang of 4 kits, I picked them out whereby Lilli picked me out. She was on my porch one day. A petite and very clean looking kitten of about 6 mos. old. She was very attentive to me and we played and she'd sit on my lap and purr as we enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. -
Be mine!
Eventually I noticed when she left me, she'd go across the street into an overgrown weedy lot, surrounded by a fence, and it had an old shed in the middle of it. It made me wonder who her hoomins were. So after a week I named her because "Here kittie kittie" just didn't work for me. After naming her Lilli, it made me feel as though she were mine! -
Kittens on the way
Anyway, day after day I would go outside and call her name and within seconds I'd hear this little "Meow!" then the "ching" of the fence as she jumped over it, and we'd proceeded with our ritual of play. Then after a month went by I noticed her tummy getting fat. It took me another week or so to determine that , yes, she was preggers! -
Rescued by the neighbor
As if on cue, my neighbor down the street comes over and tells me her story: He saw a trash bag on the side of a highway, stopped to check it, and inside was one very frightened kitten. He took her home to his house and tried to get her to stay in his garage as an outdoor kittie since he lost his last one. She ran away and he couldn't find her, so he was looking for her to take to the local shelter instead. -
Four baby fur monsters on the way
Well, that's the day when I set up her residence in my bedroom. I got her to the vet within a day and they determined she and her 4 babycats were healthy and she could deliver anytime within 10 days! She waited the full 10 days of course and when the day came I was ecstatic! I never witnessed that before. -
Happily possessed by the little family
She was the best mom ever! Whenever I tried to hijack one of her babies, one squeak from them and she'd take them right out of my hands. lol! When the kits were old enough to be in the real world, i.e. the rest of the house, this family of five took over my life and the other cats' life. They possessed me. Ask any of my other cats and they'll tell you how they are butted out of the way. -
The power of mother kitty
Little did I know the power of the mother cat. Lilli to this day is "My Cat" who sits on my lap as soon as I'm on the couch and looks adoringly at me at all times. I think she communes with angels because she always looks up over my head and skwinches her eyes at something, but I never see anything. Whenever I put the food out for everyone to eat, she would smack everyone away so that her kits could survive. THEN she started marking her territory, which was the perimeter of each room and also the outer walls of every room. Several of my other cats who never knew this kind of thrill joined in, along with her kits. This has been a major battle for me. One I am determined to win! And I am, one gray hair at a time. -
I can't imagine my life without her
So it's been 5 years and this little tight knit group has been my biggest fans. They are always together with each other, unlike my other cats who remain fairly aloof from one another. They adore me without reserve and they do that in such a overt loving way, like gazing lovingly into my eyes, placing their paws on my face, kissing me, headbonks galore, and basically dominating my lap. They're my love bugs. If it weren't for Lilli, I would never have experienced this sort of love and devotion. I can't imagine my life without her or her kits Gabe, Izzi, Kissy, and Hobbs.
Keep on mama Lilly and thanks for the great story allcatsloved!
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