30-year-old manchild buys girlfriend Pokémon cards for Christmas, proceeds to open them himself when she leaves disappointed: ‘This must be a joke right?’

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    My (26f) bf (30m) got me Pokémon for Christmas and I can’t let it go, do I call it quits or work it out?

    "Not only did he get me gifts that I didn't want, but he actually got them for himself”
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    Punch O hrower ed to this Pokémon Pokédex TRAINER Look at the top 5 cards of and put them back in an ITEM Sonnflora Switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with Lure his or her Active Pokémon. The new Active Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn Discard a Fire Blast Energy attached to this Pokémon 120
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    For context, my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. Since I've known him he has always loved Pokémon. Personally, I have no interest but as his partner I encourage his hobbies and support him. This past Christmas we had a few brief conversations about Christmas
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    budgets and have mentioned to each other things we have been wanting. I knew Pokémon packs were on the top of HIS list so I made sure to get him some. I mentioned wanting a few beauty products and a specific hoodie.
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    Well Christmas comes around and to my surprise I open my gifts, the first one was a pack of Pokémon cards, okay whatever, the next one was a booster box of Pokémon cards. I stop and ask him if he's joking, because this
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    must be a joke right? Welp he smirks and tells me to keep going, I open my next gift, it was ANOTHER booster box of Pokemon cards. He was full of excitement while I open "my" gifts. That's it those were my three gifts. I AM NOT AND NEVER
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    HAVE BEEN INTERESTED IN POKÉMON. After this I told him I needed a moment to myself. I went to our bedroom and took a moment to gather my thoughts and lower my temper. When I
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    came back to the living room there he was on the floor, both booster packs and the pack of cards he got "me" were opened and sprawled across the floor. I
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    was in shock, not only did he get me gifts that I didn't want, but he actually got them for himself and tried to play it off. I have been trying to move past this as I did not want to seem ungrateful but I just can't believe he would do
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    Cheezburger Image 10453884672
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    something like this. Every time I have tried to bring it up, he has told me how expensive those booster boxes were and how I made him feel bad for not appreciating my gifts. Am I being ungrateful or is he just a j?
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    GolDahlia8436 So you're telling me he's known and dated you for at least three years...and has never paid attention long enough to get you gifts you may actually like.... And you're questioning if you want to do this for the REST of your life or not???
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    20- Ambush Camerupt 130 120- Sky Drop r opponents Active Pokemons Per Co Rufflet The Pokémon does 10 d Reckless Charge Vine Whip 30 Durant 10. getimes the Ariete 660 Mudbray -80 and decor 80- Meowth -70 90 Nidorina Stomp con Fish, en ack does 10 more dage Farfetch'd 20- Cubchoo 70 ENERGY <8-30 TRAINE Rare Candy 20+ Turmoil Strike The does 30 damage to 1 of your opponents Pokemon that has any damage countr 50 Beldum. Allure Tackle -50 Golpes de Fúria Jp 3 med Ese ape ca 10 Respiração de Gelo e 2-
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    AmericnAquariumDrnkr That's literally insane and the BEST POSSIBLE explanation is that he's wildly emotionally unintelligent. Sooo if that's what you like I guess stay with him? ETA: It just registered that this is a 30 year old man. Sis why
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    PuzzleheadedCase5544 Nah this is crazy even if you wanted this, he then opened YOUR gift, that part is unforgivable too. He's closer to 6 mentally than 26
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    Sapphic Honeytrap OP, I'm sorry to tell you this but you have obviously angered some trickster god and this dude is your punishment. Just return whatever idol you stole and he should go away. Don't worry, it happens.
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    anneofred Homer and the bowling ball.... So do what Marge did...take YOUR gifts and do what you want with YOUR gifts. He doesn't get to see them, touch them, have any sense of ownership over them.
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    Find another Pokémon person to help you look up individual sale value, sell them at the card shop, buy yourself the gifts you want. Also lose the boyfriend. It's so blatant what he did here it's actually kind of hilarious.
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    attack-o-lantern Honestly, I don't buy the "sharing his hobby" bulls that someone else said. This was absolutely a gift for him. I feel like you were very clear on what it is you wanted for Christmas. If he wanted to be thoughtful and personal, he could have very well
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    deviated from your list to get something inspired by what you wanted. But this is pretty absurd. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it is a bad idea to share your interests with your partner, but totally ignoring what they want in favour of that is wildly selfish. If it
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    was a matter of sharing his hobby, he could have gotten you these gifts randomly at some point throughout the year when there was no expectation of getting something you actually want. He sounds like a child.
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    Fresh_Pomegranate202 So your 30 YEAR OLD boyfriend bought himself what he wanted and "gifted" it to you?! So he didn't have to spend money on you?! Did you dump his sorry a yet?
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    msmysty You are dating a selfish, inconsiderate child. He knew exactly what he was doing when he got you those "gifts." Thats why HE opened them when you weren't even there. They were never meant for you. Leave now. He's showing you what the rest of your life will be like. Stop wasting your time on him.
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    catOnLollerskates Is this guy a 12 year old? Pokémon cards were "your" only gifts? Dump this child already and get someone who actually appreciates you.
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    Even MoreSpiders This is ridiculous! He didn't even try to make it seem like he got those gifts for you, he didn't even let you open them for fk's sake! You need to sit down and have a serious discussion about how he dismissed what you actually wanted and asked him for and instead got himself something and pretended like he got them for you.
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