16-year old pressured by parents to give them his savings to support his younger siblings: 'My parents are bad with money'

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    "AITA for quitting my part time job to stop my parents using my money on my siblings?"

    I (16m) started doing things to make money when I was 13. Babysitting, mowing lawns, running errands for neighbors, and stuff like that. Then I was able to help out at a friends parents store for a bit of extra cash. Then I was finally able to get a real part time job.
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    The thing is the money wasn't ever really mine. My parents are bad with money and they like to spoil my younger siblings (10f, 8m, 7m and 5f). So their money gets spent on them and then they freak because they don't have money for Christmas or their birthdays and they have put a lot of pressure on me to give it to them. Sometimes they stole it and when I confided in some other adults about it I was told that being under 18 meant there was nothing I could do except trying to talk it out.
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    I did try. But talking to my parents is so frustrating and they didn't care about logic or how calm I am or how well I make my point. I rehearsed before talking to them and everything. They argued back each time that my siblings. are younger and they don't deserve to be hurt because of my teenage attitude or my entitlement because I think I should be treated the same as them when I'm way older.
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    For three years running they were taking money from me to spend on my siblings. Not just for their birthdays or Christmas but other times too. For no other reason than just because. I argued back a few times in frustration too but you know that never goes anywhere and a couple of weeks ago I quit my job and I told my parents I won't work again until I'm out of their
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    house. They grounded me until yesterday and we fought about it yesterday. I'll be grounded in another week if I don't get my job back or get another one. They told me it was a selfish and stupid thing to do. They told me I should understand life isn't always equal and I'm expecting too much from them. AITA?
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    ImAnNPCsoWhat 7h ago • NTA. Stand your ground. Study, learn a language, make new friends, delve into your hobbies. You're a kid so act like one. No need to work especially since you get no benefits from doing so.
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    the24hourlayover • 6h ago Tell them that life isn't equal and that they are expecting too much from you. They are failing at adulting and parenting. NTA
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    NobaedyUnoe 6h ago Parents cannot use their minor children as an income stream. NTA
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    Vegetable Business897 6h ago • Your parents are finacially and physically responsible for you until you are 18. Do not give them any of your money. This only allows them to be more irresponsible since you will become their new ATM. Do not use a bank to keep your money as your parents are allowed to access it. Use the bank
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    to cash your checks. Keep your money in cash, and squirrel it away. I kept mine in an Altoids tin in a hole I made in the underside of my box spring. Then I moved it to a loose floor board in our garden shed. Your going to need some running. money at 18.....
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    RJack151 · 6h ago NTA. Tell them that selfish is taking someone's money and using it on everyone but them. And not saving any of it for the person the earned it. And in some states, they can be charged with theft because they are required to save a percentage of it BY LAW.
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    Lizardgirl25 6h ago • NTA countries that a child can't have their own personal banking account are f ed up on so many levels and yes I mean the USA too. Because the adult co- signer can just go in and just empty the kids money anytime they feel like it.
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    Rye_One_ 6h ago NTA. You need to speak to a responsible adult about this situation. Is there a guidance counsellor at school you can speak to?


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