50-year-old woman takes what's hers after breaking off a toxic 13-year relationship, leaving her ex ransacked without toilet paper, sheets, or even a bed: 'Left him with a typical bachelor's apartment'

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  • "Gave my Ex a surprise when I left unexpectedly"

    My ex and I were planning on separating, it was a toxic relationship. He was a controlling narcissist and I had been under his thumb for far too long. I was in counseling and my therapist and I mapped out the best way for me to get out, although the details of the plan were my idea.
  • I got a better paying job. I opened my own bank account (that was a HUGE fight!) and I figured out where to go. He knew I was leaving and he even went through the house and marked all of the things that were "his" that I couldn't take with me. (Which
  • was basically everything we purchased throughout our 13 years together). I was only "allowed" to take the items that I came with when we moved in together. He planned to take the day off from work on a particular
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  • Saturday and would be there to supervise my move to ensure that I only took what he approved. That's where my plan began. The Saturday BEFORE his planned date, I scheduled to move after he left for work. He
  • worked long days so I knew I could pack and leave before he returned. About an hour after he left, my friends and family showed up with boxes and tape and a moving truck. I parked it out back so my neighbors didn't see it. In less than 4 hours all of
  • my belongings were packed and on the truck and I pretty much stuck to his rules, because I didn't want reminders of our life in my future. Before I left in the truck, I went through and grabbed every single
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  • towel, wash cloth, sheet, toilet paper, paper towel, napkin and tissue. I took anything and everything that he could wipe his bat or his nose with. And I took the carpet runner that was at the front door, leaving the tape that secured it to the floor. That way he knew as soon as he walked in, that I was gone.
  • Imagine coming home from work after a long day, expecting one thing and finding another and then not having a single tissue or toilet paper to use.
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  • My BEST revenge was building a happy new life - but THAT DAY made me feel so good! EDIT: For those who care - yes, actually diagnosed. We were originally in therapy together.
  • I forgot to add that he deemed the bed as "his" so I couldn't take it. But he never mentioned the mattress and box spring, which I also took.
  • maDAMN-Pink you left him with a typical bachelor's apartment
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  • farie_princess Congratulations on your new life and a successful exit from the old one.
  • Steffie767 I hope that your life goes for the better now. I know a woman who took every single light bulb when she left, he came home to very dark house in a rural area.
  • ImportanceLatt... Light bulbs!!! Taking light bulbs is the biggest FU ever! We sold a house 15 years ago to the most annoying, arrogant, entitled people... we got the last laugh!!!
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  • CptDawg My sister did pretty much the same thing, but she left her MIL's "precious guest towels", you know the one no one is allowed to use, they had been a gift from her and ugly as sin. To top it off she took the light bulbs. Her ex worked 12 hour days, so it was dark when he came home, even darker in the house.
  • CrypticGumbo Petty Revenge Achievement Unlocked! At first this guy will not care that towels and cloths are gone cause he will "buy some later." Then a month passes and his filthy self will be wondering "what happened??!!"
  • lawiseman Ah, reminds me of when my ex took the shower curtain If only there were such a coherent rationale in every breakup!
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  • avid-learner-bot Great move, sister! It's always satisfying to leave a mess for them to clean up. Just make sure you have everything you need in your new place before you go. Good luck with the transition!


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