Winners of our International Polar Bear Day Caption Contest!

  • 01

    They eat the first thing they see - By Aeroswoot

    Polar bear - The Deadliest Game of Peek-a-Boo
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  • 02

    Boom Chicka Boom! - By mamawalker

    Polar bear - When your wife has a tew too many'atthe party and starts North Poledancing.
  • 03

    Polar Bear and Leo - By TinyBloodthirstyUnicorn

    Polar bear - Ican't let him see me blush
  • 04

    Always Read the Label... - By CheezyRayquaza

    Polar bear - The box said "Don't eat if seal is broken.. and I thought"good, less work for me"
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  • 05

    dang - By hannahbethg

    Polar bear - That moment when you realize you forgot to sendyour mom an #internationalpolarbearday card.
  • 06

    Santa, Please... Put your pants back on - By Jarrett

    Polar bear - Santa, Please.. Put your pants back on
  • 07

    The humans. They're everywhere! - By chech1965

    Polar bear - No matter how hard I scrub, I can't get rid of those carbon footprints Chech1965 260215
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  • 08

    Eskimo Pie Brain Freeze! - By plaidcats

    Polar bear - Eskimo Pie Brain Freeze!
  • 09

    Berry inappropriate - By LemonDragoon

    Nose - I'm too young
  • 10

    A Hundred Miles, A Hundred Miles... - By Sissy

    Polar bear - Oh, NO... lt's Millie's birthday andlforgottobringaseal..


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