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16 Bizarre Sleeping Habits Of Animals Proving How Amazing Nature Is

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    Sea otters will sometimes hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from each other!

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    Besides sleeping in piles, meerkats also dig elaborate underground sleeping quarters with various chambers.

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    Giraffes can go weeks without sleep. Scientists think that since they are so large and slow, not sleeping helps them keep an eye out for predators. On average though, they get about 20 minutes per day!

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    Some desert snails can sleep for years! An Egyptian desert snail was once assumed dead and placed in a museum. Four years later, it popped out of its shell and crawled away!

    Snails and slugs
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    Cows prefer sleeping close to their families. Also, their sleep arrangements are determined by social hierarchy.

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    Flamingos sleep while standing up, but not for the same reason as horses or zebras (because of predators). It's usually because there simply aren't too many comfortable places to lie down in their normal habitat.

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    Walruses inflate something called a pharyngeal pouch which keeps them afloat while they sleep.

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    Since sharks have to keep moving in order to get oxygen through their gills, scientists believe that most species may be able to put their brains to sleep but continue swimming.

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    Ducks sleep in groups, with the ducks at the edges of the group keeping one eye open for predators.

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    Horses, zebras, and elephants all can sleep standing up! Why? Well similar to giraffes, these large creatures need to be prepared for predators.

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    Chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas have sleeping habits that are very similar to humans. They make beds in safe, predator-free places and curl up!

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    Frogs undergo a particularly intense form of hibernation. While most of their body freezes and their lungs even stop breathing, high concentrations of glucose in their vital organs prevent the essential parts from freezing.

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    In order to be ready for predators, Guinea baboons sleep on the tops of trees on their heels, always ready to sprint.

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    Dolphins and whales sleep with only one half of their brain at a time. This prevents them from drowning in their sleep.

    Marine mammal
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    Some animals (like rodents) can sleep for half the year! It's called hibernation and allows the animal to survive through periods of cold or insufficient food.

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    Bats can sleep up to 20 hours per day! They also sleep upside down because it's easier for them to take off from that position. (Their wings are rather weak.)



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