Are you a Mountain Dew mom? A Baja Blast parent? A Dr. Pepper dad? Not to parent shame, but do your research.
Being a mom is not an easy job and if you get a moment to do something for yourself and give yourself a little bit of a release from your motherly duties, then do it. TikToker Lex aka @elexisann12 posts funny videos of her life as a mom and doing TikTok trends with her kids. It's usually wholesome content or content in the name of comedy and it seems like a great outlet for the mama of two.
Recently, she posted a video about an interaction she had with other mamas in a private mom Facebook group she's in called “Super Definitely Average Moms.” She jokingly posted a picture of her son saying:
“Hey mamas! My son is 10 months old now and I've been giving him around 12oz of Mountain Dew a day. I'm thinking of cutting back some. Would you consider this too much? Thanks!”
Instead of trolling the group and getting mothers flabbergasted at the extremely unhealthy choice of beverage for a baby, the fellow group members understood the assignment. It was obviously a joke and other mamas caught on and added their “advice” to the punchline.
Mom's are hilariously coming through with great comments for Lex's posts. Some are concerned that she's only giving him 12oz instead of 16oz of Mountain Dew. Others think it's terrible that she's using Mountain Dew instead of Baja Blast or Dr. Pepper. One eve said you might as well top that Dew off with some Vodka to help with the teething.
Lex did not expect these responses at all, thinking she was just going to get a bunch of angry moms in return. Instead, the mamas came together and gave each other a little serotonin boost they all greatly needed. Moms on TikTok are loving the content and expressing a need for mom group like this. Viewers are saying that their local mom group would have been up in arms about this kind of post and that most mom Facebook groups have zero sense of humor. Lex says in the comments that all the moms are invited to “Super Definitely Average Moms” on facebook, but get ready for some grade A motherly comedy.