“Husband (44M) is mad that I (38F) have a picture of actor Willem Dafoe (66M) on my phone’s background/home screen.”
Willem Dafoe: shameless home wrecker
Is OP's husband really threatened by Klaus Daimler, or is he just insecure?
The comment section
The top comments in the post's thread didn't exactly offer any relationship advice. Instead, most redditors focused on the humorous aspects of the situation, and the fact that OP designated Willem Dafoe's age and gender in the title.
But not every redditor came at OP with jokes and puns. One redditor commented on the nature of the r/relationships subreddit. “Man if my short time in this sub has taught me anything," said u/AsItIs, "it’s that there are a lot of insecurities in some relationships."
Redditor u/HeyT00ts11 asked OP, “Have you ever asked him why he feels this way?”
u/bdinte1 made a genuine attempt to offer OP some perspective. “Okay, I'm not saying he's being reasonable at all, but there's something I noticed in your post and I wanted to point it out.” Said u/bdinte1. “Of all the different things you said you've used as a background picture for your phone...none of them are your husband or the two of you together…it seems like his feelings are a bit hurt, and that may be because he feels like he's not a priority in his wife's life. Because you mentioned 5 different categories of backgrounds, including your kids, and now you're using Mr. Dafoe, which fits none of the previously mentioned categories... but by the sound of it, you've never used a picture of your husband or of the two of you together?”
OP's post makes its way to Twitter
After the mods of r/relationships deleted OP's post for unknown reasons, @redditships reposted the story on Twitter, where it got more attention. Most people in the thread reacted with memes and jokes.
Visit the original thread here.