Someone Figured Out How Far Frodo and Sam Walked

  • 01

    From Hobbiton to Bree

    Map - Icebay of Forche The Lost Realm Carn D Here w the Wit of An R. nuial evendim) North Downs lond Fornost Grey Havens) Tower Hilly Weathe Hills EDADN Sprandywinei Bridge Dewns A Eas-wet South Down Sarn Fond andywine Baranduie Tharbad, IRIATH CARDO flood) Midgewate THE SHIRE Hobbiton n(Lunes untains) (Blue M
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  • 02

    From Bree to Rivendell

    Map - Angmar Angmar Mth of Carn Dam, Here was of old the Witch-realm st Realm HITHAEp Mount Gun of Angmar North Downs Ettenmoors Fornost Weather Hills oH0arwall) asha weathertep RH UDAUR wine S ndws Trol EAtiewes Bree ivende CARDOLAN Nin-in Eilph Bruinen (LOuGwater) South Dow Mithei Ersgien 0Hollin) Morla CAte Glandu (Swanfleet) Tharbad redel Greyflood) LO R (Amon s0i) Midgewater Chetwood
  • 03

    From Rivendell to Moria

    Map - Here was ofold. e Witch-realm of Angmar F mar Mount Gundabe ITHAEFG alm Langwel Ettenmoors Weather Hills weathertop (Amon 50) RH UDAUR R. 040arwell) ASC-WEst Rivendel Bridge Downs Bruinen DOLAN (Loudwater) Str N о Giadden Mitheit Ntn-in Eilph (Swanfleet) Eregion Moria Gate d Drimril Glandun mrodel LORIEN AIT H Lim land
  • 04

    From Lorien to Amon Hen

    Map - B1 LOMD Str Ninglor os Nindlang Xsledden Firids) Gaden R Eregion CHollin Moria Gate. Drimrill Dale Glandu LORIEN eat River) Celesof Limligh ngard The Wold SOus FANGORN ROHAN of isen West WESTFOLD Emnet East Emnet Helms eep Sarn Gebin ASTFOLO MRAIS ering rredm Erech Anori d onadlo ( arthond EMYN
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  • 05

    Amon Hen to the Black Gate

    Map - rill Da reat River EN Field of Celebrant The BROWN LANDS Lmligh CNOA The Wold Sous EP AN Ealis of Raures Nindal wetwang) VCAIR ANDROS Dagorlad (Bat Dead* Marsha East Emnet EMYN MU Norannon Sarn Gebir ldin Isenmo STFOLO PRro Anorien am Mines th atea NOROUL giliath Emyn INAS Sa m don Arnen Ond oOD I ON Morgai duin onadló twash)
  • 06

    From the Black Gate to Minas Morgul

    Map - NOA UNDEEP The BROWN LANDS SOUTH UNDEEP he ast net EMYN MUIL Dagorlad (Battle Marshe Aorannon rn Gebir of Rauros ldur Nindelf (wetwang) CAIR ANDROS Mines Anorien Tirith 1senmout PIEdru NAS MORDUL sgiliath Emyn Arnen ering Stream Gilrain Lossarnach Mop
  • 07

    From Cirith Ungol to Mount Doom

    Map - alls of Rauros Nindalf CWetwang Dagorlad (Battle P Dead Norannon Marshes Ndun Isenmouthe CAIR ANDROS ruin PEteau of MINAS MORGUL osgiliath Mines 1en Tirith Emyn Arnen अतक Lossarnac Morgai DUATH Moppy: EPHEL ntains of
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  • 08

    All Told the trip spanned the continent of Europe

    Map - FORODEATH s-ttwAisis moole CACh MO ng NE 1ON
  • 09

    From an American perspective, that's the same as walking from L.A. to Austin, Texas.

    Map - FORODA ARS nook CAh endng


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