
Nostalgic Twitter Users Discuss the Impressive Ubiquity of the 'Cool S'


The “Cool S.” The “Stussy S.” The “Secret S.” It's a doodle with many names, but that matters not. What matters is that drawing this graffiti-esque letter is a core memory shared by millennials, and Gen Z alike. More impressively, as we just learned from Twitter user @heyKQ, it's a global phenomenon. 

As this teacher in France has pointed out, not only is the practice of doodling the ‘Cool S' still kicking, it's also a practice that is happening everywhere. And we have to admit, the name “le S américain” is kind of an honor. We weren't the only ones tickled by this knowledge. Nostalgic Twitter users flocked to the viral tweet to share their thoughts - and their memes - with like-minded individuals. 

Some users shared their own variations of the drawings, as well as their regional term for the S. Apparently in Australia, where @overclockedclo is from, they call it the "Graffiti S."

Other people contemplated the origins of what can accurately be referred to as an IRL meme. While some theorized that its passed down like sacred knowledge from older kids to younger kids, others think that we have broke ass school systems and ancient desks to blame. 

Mostly, though, people enjoyed and riffed on the news.

Here's hoping the ‘Cool S’ continues to outlive us all. 



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