Dumbo Octopus
Officially known as Grimpoteuthis, the dumbo octopus is a genus of deep-sea pelagic umbrella octopus. Occupying extreme depths of up to 7,000 m (23,000 ft), the octopus has large eyes and prominent, ear-like fins resembling the ears of Walt Disney's flying elephant Dumbo, hence the nickname.
Bearded Saki
After the proboscis monkey and the Celebes crested macaque, here comes the most ridiculously looking monkey ever. A bearded monkey is funny enough as it is but the bearded saki, a small primate native to South America, has – apart from the heavy beard – a very unusually shaped head, strikingly resembling a human butt.
Squid with human-like teeth
Scientifically known as Promachoteuthis Sulcus, this deep-sea squid is an extremely rare squid species known from just a single specimen found in southern Atlantic Ocean at a depth of about 2,000 m (6,500 ft). Equipped with eight legs, two tentacles and perfectly lined up human-like teeth, it is not a creature you want to encounter when snorkeling.
Maned Wolf
What would you get if you crossed a fox and an antelope? Probably something similar to the maned wolf. The largest canid of South America, the maned wolf has extremely long and thin legs that seem to be an adaptation to the tall grasslands of its native habitat.
Christmas Tree Worm
If you thought the only thing missing here was an animal that looks like a Christmas tree, well here it is. Scientifically known as Spirobranchus Giganteus, the Christmas tree worm, is a colorful tube-building polychaete worm distributed throughout the world's tropical oceans.
Honduran white bat
If you think a bat cannot be cute and fluffy, you have probably never seen the Honduran white bat. With its snow white fur and yellow nose and ears, this tiny mammal looks like a cross between a mouse and a marshmallow.
Hooded Seal
Found only in North Atlantic, the hooded seal is a large, typically silver-grey seal known for its uniquely elastic red nasal cavity also referred to as the hood. Males use the hood to create bizarre acoustic signals which they produce by shaking their heads.
Musk Deer
Also known as saber-toothed deer, the musk deer looks like a cross between a deer and a big cat. Native to the mountains and forests of southern Asia, these mammals are easily recognizable by their exposed enlarged upper canines used in mating disputes.
If there was a cross of an elephant and a badger, it would have to look like an anteater. More closely related to sloths than they are to any other animals, anteaters are up to 1.8 m (6 ft) long mammals easily recognizable by their long snout and even longer tongue.
A bizarre combination of a giraffe and a zebra, the okapi is an herbivorous mammal native to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Although in appearance it looks more like a zebra thanks to its black and white stripes and short neck, it's actually more closely related to the giraffe.
Panda Ant
The idea of crossing an insect and a 160 kg (350 lb) bear seems ridiculous enough as it is but the fact of the matter is, there really is a creature called the panda ant. What makes this animal even more confusing is the fact that the panda ant is actually a species of wasp. Also known as velvet ants, they are known for their extremely strong and painful stings.
Saiga Antelope
Once abundant but now critically endangered (with about 50,000 remaining specimens) the Saiga antelope is a small antelope recognizable by its extremely unusual, over-sized, flexible nose structure known as the proboscis.
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