The Daily What

These Are the Worst Ads in Australia From 2015 According to the Advertising Standards Bureau

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    People Were Offended by Suggestive Nature of This Commercial

    This razor commercial had 53 complaints that were dismissed.
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  • 2

    WARNING: This Paper Towel Commercial Has Some NSFW Language

    Although, apparently they are saying "sheet". This got 56 complaints.
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    People Were Worried About the Snake's Safety

    This got 59 complaints related to cruelty to animals which were dismissed because in a country where every animal is trying to eat you, they can look after themselves.
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    This Otherwise Typical Hair Product Commercial Got Complaints for a Very Tame Kiss

    62 complainers had a problem with a quick kiss because it involved two men. The complaints were dismissed because there is nothing wrong with that.
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  • 5

    Some People Were Just Not Interested in Hearing About Rebel Wilson's Cat

    This visual pun did not go over well with 66 complainers.
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    People Have Had It When Period Stereotypes

    Some people thought this commercial pushed the envelope when it comes to using stereotypes to tell women they're terrible and they need a product to be better. For that it got 76 complaints.
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    This Woman's Aggressive Licking of Chip Flavoring Grossed People Out

    It got 85 complaints for being too sexual.
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  • 8

    Surprise! People Thought a Commercial for Ashely Madison was Awful

    This got 138 complaints and was removed from broadcast after the Advertising Services Bureau labeled it "demeaning and vilifying of women". Plus, the song is terrible.
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    And the Winner Is? A Kid Saying "Bloody Caravaners"

    With 161 complaints, viewers were offended by the phrase, "bloody caravaners" and the fact that a small child repeated it after hearing his dad say it. The complaints were dismissed but the phrase was taken out of the commercial anyway.

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