Brazilian Guy Finds The Perfect Use For Discarded Old Tires And Inspires Us All

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    This craftsman is Amarildo Silva, who is 23 years old and lives in Paraíba, Brazil. Amarildo works as a store cashier during the day, but in the meantime, his contribution to the environment is to be praised.

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    What he does is he collects and transforms discarded tires into eco-friendly animal beds.

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    Amarildo started selling them through Instagram, thus becoming popular for what he does. Over two years he sold over 500 pieces.

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    Amarildo also uses his projects to bring awareness to the younger generations of public schools.

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    He is not only having an impact on the environment, but he is also making pets happy. Let’s have a peek at his creative and wonderful work:

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    Currently, this amazing guy only delivers inside the country of Brazil but he’s got orders from Europe, North America, and Asia too.

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  • 08

    Lindaaaass ???? #bestfriends #dogs #shitzu #camaspet #lovepets #dogs #pneus #cadelas #ecologicas

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    Deitar é fácil, difícil é sair ?? @caominhas_pets2 #caminhaspet #gatos #cats #felinos #lovepet #pneus #empreendedorismo #sustentabilidade #arte #artesanato #mimoza

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    Já estão aberta as vendas para a cidade de JOÃO PESSOA PB Encomendas pelo WhatsApp (83)98901-2004 chama lá e peça a do seu bichinho ?? @caominhas_pets2

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