I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Some Pet Owners are Joining the Anti-Vaxx Movement And People Are Confused

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    It all started after a controversial social media post by a popular UK television show called on pet owners who had noticed such a link to get in touch for a future segment on the topic.

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    Following this tweet, The British Veterinary Association issued a statement stressing the importance of having pets vaccinated and debunking the link between vaccinations and autism in dogs

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    Figures from the UK show recent years have seen a massive dip in the number of pets vaccinated

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    The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) charity say a quarter of dog owners now say their pet hasn't had any vaccines when they're puppies - equating to 2.2 million dogs being left open to horrible diseases.

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    The RSPCA have issued a stark warning that the boom in online material is driving pet owners to skip potentially life saving vaccines for their cats and dogs.

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    Animal welfare charity Blue Cross says two of the vaccines commonly skipped - parvovirus, a virus that attacks cells in a dog's intestines, and distemper, which is basically canine to measles - can both be fatal to dogs.

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    Twitter users shared their own thoughts about it:

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