Today is National Cat Day and Cheezburger is excited to celebrate with you! We love cats so much, that we want to share the feline joy with as many people as possible! Cheezburger has teamed up with Uber and a number of animal welfare organizations to bring the happiness only kittens can provide straight to you!
The collaboration will help to generate awareness for cat adoption through special kitten visits in New York, San Francisco and Seattle. One hundred percent of the proceeds earned from the kitten visits will go directly to the participating shelters. Uber is also offering a discount to new US users valid until 12/30/13. Simply enter the discount code KITTENS when signing up and receive a free Uber ride for up to $20. Check out our blog to see all the details!
Are you finding yourself asking, "I can has more kittehs?" We'll be updating ICHC throughout today with content dedicated to National Cat Day. Click here to check out more kitty cat fun in honor of today's celebration!
We want to thank the following organizations for helping us share the kitten love and celebrate this excellent day with you!
Seattle Humane Society