The BBC has announced a four part mini-documentary series, The Real History of Sci-Fi to begin airing on April 19th, the same day their newest hit Orphan Black begins its newest series. The four episodes will cover the history of popular sci-fi themes including Time, Invasion, Space and Robots.
The list of contributors is huge. Big names in the sci-fi world like Nathan Fillion, William Shatner, Ursula K Le Guin, Edward James Olmos, and Zoe Saldana (just to name a few) are set to appear. And of course Doctor Who will be represented by David Tennant, Steven Moffat and Karen Gillan. If that's not enough for you Whovians, the whole thing is narrated by the frequent Who writer and Moffat's Sherlock partner, Mark Gatiss.
I'm personally most excited about the Robots episode. What about you?