

A compilation of memes about programming and computer science

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (September 11, 2022)

Good day, programmers . Today is Sunday, which hopefully means you're only looking at programming memes and not doing any actual programming today. After all, it's essential to have a healthy work-life balance. But I know as well as anyone that sometimes, work has to come before life. When you have something necessary and time-consuming to do, the workday is often not long enough. It's a sad reality, and we all find different ways to deal with it. Suppose you're reading this during the workweek…
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A compilation of the funniest programming, programmer, and computer science memes of the week

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (September 4th, 2022)

Nobody understands the sentiment “work smarter, not harder” better than programmers. Bill Gates said it himself
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A compilation of hilarious memes about programming, computer science, and information technology.

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (August 28, 2022)

As a young kid interested in math and engineering, you'd never think that a misplaced semicolon, parentheses, or bracket could get you down so badly. The feeling of spending hours and hours on your beautifully crafted code can inspire pride. “Look at me," you might think. “I've created an impeccable masterpiece that could never be replicated. This is better than anything in the MOMA, the Met, or the Louvre. I was sent to earth with the Midas touch, and baby, I've been getting my hands dirty." B…
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A compilation of funny memes about programming, programmers, IT, and computer science.

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (August 21, 2022)

Jokes about esoteric topics like programming and computer science are best communicated through memes. Otherwise, you've got yourself with a bunch of corny knock-knock jokes that nobody under 55 will enjoy. For instance, the following jokes are what you could be getting if you got your programming humor elsewhere. "Programmer goes to his computer. He's working at home. Right now, he's coding a music player for his own system. He tests it, seeing that it works. His friend calls him and says: "Wh…
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A compilation of memes about programming, computer science, and IT

The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (August 14, 2022)

Being a relatively new programmer is like living in two completely different worlds. Non-programmers think you are the absolute dog's meow. They act like you cured cancer, achieved world peace, and are worth 20 billion dollars. That kind of validation for choosing a well-paying career path can feel good, but it wears off soon enough when you're around senior programmers . You feel like the most useless ant at the picnic when you're with guys who've been doing it for years. In that room, you're…
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A compilation of programming and computer science memes

Programming Memes For Those Who Have Programmed a Program

Programming and memes have had a symbiotic relationship for years. Everything we see online is thanks to the work of programmers. You could not read this paragraph on your phone or computer if there were not somebody who had to code this first. It's hard to imagine the enormity of the work programmers do, especially when you're constantly inundated with different websites and images. It's shocking to remember that there's a person behind every screen you see. Symbiotic relationships go two ways…
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A compilation of IT, programmer, and computer science memes.

Computer Science Memes For STEM Kings

I don't know if this is said enough, so I'm just going to flat out say it; Being a programmer is a huge accomplishment. Sure, the general population praises those pursuing STEM fields during their high school and college years, but what about after they manifest their dreams of becoming programmers? Programmers and IT specialists work long, hard hours that it's difficult for the normies of the world to understand. You have to learn complex coding languages, stop and start over, all while never…
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A compilation of IT, programming, and computer science memes.

Information Technology Memes For IT Guys

It's IT time! I know what you're wondering: Do you mean IT, the classic Stephen King novel and 2017/2019 films about clowning gone wrong? Absolutely not, you stupid baby! It's IT time as in, the actually important IT, which stands for Information Technology . Now I will be honest with y'all. I am not a diva of the IT or computer science persuasion. I am merely a humble former English major hoping that the STEM kids in the room accept these memes into their hearts. Even if I don't fully understa…
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science, science memes, technology, programming, stem, math, math memes, funny, memes, funny memes

A Selection of STEM Memes Chock-Full of Nerdy Humor

Do the math
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Funny twitter thread, recruiter arranges interview with company who fired twitter user, he live tweets the whole thing

Recruiter Schedules Interview With Employer Who Fired Him, Live-Tweeting Ensues

This dude went for it.
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antiwork programming great resignation programmers workplace big quit - 16209157

Clever Developer Discovers How to Automate His Job, Now Works 10 Minutes A Day From Home

Talk about a "Life Hack".
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Funny memes, dank memes, lol, office memes, office workers, workplace, relatable memes, bad bosses, computers, tech

20+ Memes for People Who Stare at a Computer All Day

We see you.
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programming revenge petty revenge nuclear - 15986693

Developer Gets Nuclear Revenge on Client Who Refused to Pay, Bankrupts Him and He Loses Everything

Don't mess with your Dev.
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beer roomba programming lazy engineering awesome robots lol funny stupid - 107087105

Robot Vacuum Has Beer Grab Function

The path from the fridge to the couch is gonna be spotless.
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Funny memes for developers, programmers, programming memes, tech memes, internet memes, coding memes, coders

Programming Memes For Frustrated Coders

We see you.
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funny relatable memes and jokes about programming and coding developers back end front end cs java javascript machine learning | So, WHERE Did TWO MEET AT AT STARBUCKS GITHUB OFFICE WINDOWS USERS MAC USERS LINUX USERS fixed this meme

Programming Memes That'll Execute Your Laugh.exe

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