This Cat Has Changed The Life Of An Amazing Autistic Girl

  • Iris is a very special 5-year old British girl who is diagnosed with autism

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  • One of Iris’ daily struggles with autism was anxiety. She didn’t feel right in social situations. So, her mother, Arabella, decided that a nurturing animal companion would be helpful and calming.

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  • Two years ago, Iris’s parents bought Thula, a beautiful Maine Coon

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  • Since then, Iris and Thula became inseparable

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  • Iris even started to speak – something the doctors warned might never happen.

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  • Thula’s constant presence and gentle nature is having a remarkable effect upon Iris.

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  • Thula is not trained to be a service/therapy cat. But, since the family took her in at such a young age, she has gotten used to many things that ordinary cats may have a total hissy-fit about

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  • But mainly, Thula serves as Iris’s Muse for her artwork

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