'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

'People want those crates!': Karen sewing circle starts drama demanding empty wine crates without having to buy any bottles, store clerk faces their wrath

What was this sewing circle of Karens up to? That's what this wine store clerk was asking when three Karens in a row started incessantly calling the store demanding empty crates of wine without having to make an actual purchase. As one might expect, the best way to get a wine crate is by purchasing the wine that comes with it. It turns out that these Karens wanted a bunch of empty crates so they could use them to build a bookcase. However, as we know all too well on FAIL Blog, beggars cannot be…
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'That's not my job': New boss writes up employee for being 1 minute late to lunch after they refuse to complete tasks that aren't their job

'That's not my job': New boss writes up employee for being 1 minute late to lunch after they refuse to complete tasks that aren't their job

One bitter employee who faced challenges at their workplace decided to take matters into their own hands. They used to love working at their job. They had a great relationship with their boss, got their work done, and always felt appreciated. If there was an issue, they felt that their boss would find a way to accommodate them. Help was a two-way street. But when new management took over, things changed. The boss was demoted, and someone new was hired to take his place. She was less lenient, bu…
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Man tricked by brother into selling childhood house for a few extra bucks

Man tricked by brother into selling childhood house for a few extra bucks

Conducting business can be costly. Since there are no guarantees in business, only the daring among us take the chance and embark on the journey into the corporate world. The story below describes a disappointed sibling. The original poster (OP) had recently lost his father. After the father's passing, the children received equal ownership of the assets and money. As a result, upon inheriting the father's run-down home, OP spotted his chance to become wealthy and realized that real estate was h…
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'I was feeling petty and thought it'd be funny': Resort workers get locked out of "The Cage" holding their supplies, plan a break-in

'I was feeling petty and thought it'd be funny': Resort workers get locked out of "The Cage" holding their supplies, plan a break-in

There's nothing like having fun coworkers . Not every workplace is a fun one, but when you have coworkers who can turn an average day into an adventure, it's the best. This person, u/KipsyCakes, had a job at a resort restaurant that was in the middle of some changes. While undergoing changes, employees were leaving in droves, and this employee mentioned that it was nearly impossible to find a manager during their actual shift. Workplaces that are run that way are destined to fail. If employees…
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family etiquette students student graduation reddit story family drama aita reddit thread amitheahole - 26041349

18-year-old daughter changes name without telling parents, Mom and Step-Dad learn at her graduation: 'I never wanted to be his kid'

Names are a personal thing… A personal thing that you traditionally have no control over—yet that defines your life before it even begins… and forms the basis of how others shape their understanding of you. It's understandable why we need them. The whole thing just makes sense and would be a little confusing if we didn't have ways of categorizing and referring to one another—even in the simplest means of communication… Imagine a world without names where you had no way of identifying who a mess…
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‘I was their scapegoat’: Overworked employee confronts boss after they fire him for no reason, boss claims it was to teach the other employees a lesson

‘I was their scapegoat’: Overworked employee confronts boss after they fire him for no reason, boss claims it was to teach the other employees a lesson

Would you love to work in a place where you cannot get fired no matter what you do? For some people, that dream is a reality, If people are self-employed, or have tenure, they simply cannot be fired. But for most employees, we have to leave our lives day by day hoping we would never have to hear the dreadful ‘you are fired’ sentence. The employee in this Reddit story did hear these words spoken to him unfortunately, which came as a great surprise, as he could not think of a single reason for hi…
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'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

Nicole Kidman may come to the movie theater for magic, but sometimes all you get is cranky Karen customers. As someone who still frequents the movie theater and loves doing so, I still cannot deny that filmgoers have become borderline barbaric over the last several years. From bringing in pungent food into the theater to fully answering cell phones during climactic moments, one has to wonder why some of these customers even got off their couches in the first place, especially if they were plann…
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‘Never doing an AI interview again’: Online job interview goes south after AI assistant asks candidate to pose for a full body scan

‘Never doing an AI interview again’: Online job interview goes south after AI assistant asks candidate to pose for a full body scan

It should be common sense that if you are looking for a human to do a certain job, the interviewer for said job should also be human. The whole concept of video interviews, or even worse, being interviewed by AI assistants, should not even be on the table. It makes the candidate feel like the company does not take the job search seriously and generally starts the whole process with a bad taste in their mouths. The job candidate in this Reddit story will probably agree with these statements afte…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25869829

Worker told they can't take their leave the day before they're set to leave, they take it anyway: 'I'm ignoring the fact that the leave isn't sanctioned now'

We work to earn money to support ourselves and our families and to give ourselves a chance at a life of better comfort and the space to pursue our individual interests. Sure, some of us might be lucky enough to reasonably enjoy our work and even find fulfillment in it, but it still serves as the means to an end. In short, you work so that you can better enjoy the time spent not working. And in some sort of weirdly depressing poetic sort of sense, the two are permanently at odds with each other.…
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'I'm not taking the blame for your mistakes': Experienced grocery store manager lets bossy manager order them around and watches him flail

'I'm not taking the blame for your mistakes': Experienced grocery store manager lets bossy manager order them around and watches him flail

Wisdom is knowing when to let people make their own mistakes . That's especially true in the workplace: knowing when to mind your business is crucial. This grocery store manager , u/SerphynaZee, has a coworker who's an annoying dude. The original poster of this malicious compliance story is stuck with one of the worst kinds of coworkers---the kind who love to boss everyone around, acting like they know the job better than everyone. There are a few ways you can treat a peer that acts this way. Y…
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New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

New Karen neighbor tries to make the HOA more strict, gets kicked out of the neighborhood: 'Good riddance'

Imagine being the kind of personality who genuinely wants to live in a strict HOA neighborhood. We come across a ton of HOA stories on the internet, and rarely do we hear about one that current residents of the neighborhood actually like. The Redditor who shared this story even referred to it a “non-HOA HOA" in the sense that they only really enforced rules that applied to common areas. Other than that, people could do whatever they wanted with their homes (and it sounds like they really did).…
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Fish-flops and scuba heels: 25+ Shoes that turn heads wherever they go

Fish-flops and scuba heels: 25+ Super strange shoes that turn heads wherever they go

This is fashion, baby. High fashion, low fashion , it doesn't matter to the tastemakers of the world. There's arguably nowhere the fashion scene is more vibrant, experimental, and on full display than New York. Just by walking down the street, you'll encounter people in full black-tie attire, and the person right behind them might be wearing 5 different patterns and fabrics. There are no real rules when it comes to styling your outfits. In New York, the only real fashion suggestion is to wear c…
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New boss flexes muscles and enforces strict break schedule, team compliance causes public complaints: '[It was] a week of utter chaos'

New boss flexes muscles and enforces strict break schedule, team compliance causes public complaints: '[It was] a week of utter chaos'

Every new boss likes to demonstrate their particular way of doing things to their team, but blindly enforcing those rules can lead to unexpected consequences. If you're new to any company, whether you're in a position of power or if you're in an entry-level position, you have to take time to learn and adjust the current system before making suggestions that would radically change things for everyone else. Sure, new voices can be instrumental for productive change, but it's pretty self-involved…
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'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

Some neighbors need a reality check, and you can't always play nice. One neighborhood resident was battling his neighbors stomping on his property for quite some time. It seemed like nothing to them off of it was working. At a loss, they turned to Reddit… and you know how that goes. A flurry of responses came in, giving them advice on how to get their neighbors off their property forever. Some were clever, others creative, and there were a few that were definitely favorited. I've also had neigh…
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Amid allegations of careless spending, employee's strategic compliance floods the administration with receipts, causing drastic adjustments to corporate policies

Amid allegations of careless spending, employee's strategic compliance floods the administration with receipts, causing drastic adjustments to corporate policies

The two words that every employee fears are 'company policy'. You can be certain that the context won't lessen the severity of the assignment or the punishment. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same business for a considerable amount of time. He is reimbursed for the petrol he consumes and is permitted to use the company vehicles. Therefore, one can only imagine how taken aback OP is to receive a letter warning him about h…
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'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by customer

'She chooses to double down on the craziness': Nurse helps 90-year-olds load a box onto their car, gets confronted by angry customer

This nurse tried to do a good deed , only to get scolded. What would society ever do without doctors and nurses? They have one of the hardest professions. Shifts are long, like u/BookwyrmsRN's 14-hour day. The work can be thankless at times, and all those long shifts can impact a medical professional's daily life. This nurse had just gotten done a 14-hour shift and was understandably exhausted, and they had yet another shift in just 9 hours. Even with all of that exhaustion weighing on them, th…
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