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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 29, 2011 at 8:33 AM

Hi Lots of wind but very little rain. Yard is a mess and salt water everywhere. I need time to clean up but im at work now with the generators. We lost power yesterday 10AM and still dont have it back. The whole island is out. Food in fridge has just about had it. I was doing a load of laundry when it went out and there it sat until my dayghter (had day off) wrung everything out and went to laundrymat. Had a big bowl of icecream last night. Take care hope power comes on soon. Im fraid of the dark. Sandy

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By AnOldCowhand on Aug 28, 2011 at 8:15 AM

It really is about what you're used to. If I need to I will work in the heat until about 105, by 110 I'm going indoors and at 115 to 120 I'm looking for a reason to go to Morro Bay or Cambria :-) The low humidity is, in my opinion, what makes it tolerable. You just have to take care to stay hydrated. Several years ago I was out pig hunting and it hit 120 (the first of a week of 117+ that year) and I didn't have enough water with me. Luckily the rancher showed up to check on us and he had water. >On top of the work around the homestead, I am the newsletter editor for my Backcountry Horsemen Unit ( and my Native Sons Parlor ( Last May I won a state level (Grand) office in the Native Sons and that has seriously added to my "busy" but a lot of it is just traveling and there's a little R&R too. After our BOD meeting in September we will be treated to a Statehood Day banquet and parade in Columbia. So that'll be fun. >Have a great Sundog yourself. -James

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By remiking1 on Aug 28, 2011 at 5:42 AM

hey can i have your spare Laundry Basket. do you like pokemon and minecraft?

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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 28, 2011 at 5:38 AM

Morning. Very windy but not much rain. Irene hasnt got here yet. Going to be a long messy day. Guy next door had to go out. Everything is closed down for the day. Going to do a few things in case power goes out. Sandy

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By AnOldCowhand on Aug 27, 2011 at 7:57 PM

Update; 104 & 3%....that's right, three. Just thought I'd gloat a little :-)

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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 2:30 PM

In 1983 I was married and we had a boat. Everything has changed so much since then. I am high up and I can see Narraganset Bay. Glad you got a chance to come here. FYI I think McDonalds does ice tea year round. Just have to vacuum and shower. I would like to go out this evening but think Im to tired. Im sure there are hurricane parties. Sandy

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By AnOldCowhand on Aug 27, 2011 at 2:15 PM

Afternoon, Actually, despite this weekend's temps, it has been an unusually cool summer. We haven't hit 110 even once, much less 115 as in a normal year. The highs this weekend will put a cap on two weeks of 100ish temps...the first we've had all summer. Thirty-five percent may seem nice to you, but for here it's pretty muggy. Last week I came home to 97 and 7% one evening and that is far more common. >I don't know if paper or mylar tape was ever used outside of the CNC world. I've heard of little kids or pets getting into peoples punch card decks and scrambling senior projects, and other huge projects. Yipe! Fortunately that was a little before my time. >There never has been much time in my life for R&R. When I was younger there was always something that needed to be done at the ranch. Now, there's always something around the house that needs doing. I spent this morning at a friend's place overhauling the Native Sons float for the upcoming Paso Robles Pioneer Days Parade. That's about as close to fun as I've gotten in a few years. I can't even make time to go hunting anymore. -James

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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 1:45 PM

Actually there are three pics from last years storm. S

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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 1:43 PM

I saw that video too. The island that I live on has a beautiful area called ocean drive. Its twelve miles of open ocean. People love to go there during a storn and take pics. Actually there is one in my pictures check it out. We didnt take it my daughter stole it from facebook. Very rocky with a big reef and not much wiggle room for a tide serge. There is also a big harbor loaded with boats. Just type in Newport, R.I. and see all the beautiful pics while it still looks that way. Just the other night I did that and said I would like to live there. Oh I do. I work full time and the place is overrun with tourists so I dont get to do much here but I can imagine living anywhere else. No wonder it takes me all day to clean. I take more breaks here because I can. Thanks again. sandy

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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 12:37 PM

Sparky has always been outside. He would freak. He has a safe place (I have no idea where).When we have blizzards he always stays in hiding until people shovel and then he comes over to eat. He ate like a pig last night and this morning. They know. Ill see him this evening but I doubt ill see him until Monday morning. Dont worry I wont be chasing gutters. I juse head two are dead in N carolina. An 11 year old boy and a man in his car. A tree hit the boys apartment house and killed him, his mother got out. A tree hit the man in the car. Got a few trees in my back yard but they should hit either the shed or yard. Im glad its not hitting at night because we can hear all the noise but dont know whats happened. Shes weakening but shes big. If I loose power I can still let people know im ok as long as the desktop holds out. Thanks for thinking or me. Sandy

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By Sugarcatsmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 11:14 AM

Hi im trying to clean inside and get ready for Irene. Shes coming to see us tomorrow morning. Got everything off the deck in the shed and tied down the grill. Only concern is the gutters. I may be out catching them tomorrow. We are up high enough to not worry about floods but the winds and rain are going to be nasty. Keep raining already. Kitty hugs dont work to hard. Sandy

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By Ashath on Aug 27, 2011 at 4:57 AM

Thank you soo much for the I IZ VEGETARIUNZ!! It completed my set^_^

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By AnOldCowhand on Aug 26, 2011 at 12:21 PM

Assembly?? Good Lord...You're an alien!!! Actually, it's not too different from some CAM languages I've used, like APT. Fortunately they are pretty much all now defunct and everyone uses a graphical CAD/CAM system. I still like to work with the XYZG&M codes though, just because I can. I used to be fairly adept at reading a paper punch tape. >Sorry I asked? Not at all. I don't understand much of what you do and I've never worked with C (Fortran is as current as I've gotten) but I generally followed you. And business software is what I time for vidiot games. >Fortunately I got most of my hard work done last weekend. Depending on which source you look at, we're supposed to hit 104/105 this weekend and there's some monsoon moisture coming up out of the south so our humidity is supposed to be high (around 35%) too. Methinks I'll do some yard work in the morning and go hide in my office and work on newsletters or official visits for the rest of the day. I need to make my reservations for the next BOD meeting too. There's always something to do. -James

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By dwarfbeard on Aug 26, 2011 at 10:04 AM

Thanks for the Bed, I didn't even know about that collection. When I have something you don't (like that will ever happen!) I'll send it your way.

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By thipthapthoo on Aug 26, 2011 at 9:06 AM

Sweet, thanks! 8)

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By ToolBee on Aug 26, 2011 at 8:44 AM

Fankees fur the veggie bunnie! Nao i haz a complete! AND A HAPPEE!!!

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By AnOldCowhand on Aug 24, 2011 at 9:50 PM

Well, that would be one of us. Happy anniversary. >I never wanted to be in management either and it is strictly titular. My first official act was to lay off my only inspector. Heck, I never wanted to be in QA again for that matter. In 2005 they laid off the last of the QA personnel so my boss and I just assumed the function. Then he quit 4 months later and I wound up in charge of two unstaffed departments. Since they rehired my partner, my focus (and title) has been on QA but I'm still a Manufacturing Engineer. It's tortuous, I know. >By the way, don't ever feel like you have to reciprocate. Just because I'm willing to put details about myself out there doesn't mean that anybody else should. That being said, if you don't mind elaborating on what kind of programming you do, I'd be curious. >Hurt? The air turned blue around me. -James

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By furrgetmenot on Aug 24, 2011 at 1:59 PM fur ur name in lites :o) LoL

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By furrgetmenot on Aug 24, 2011 at 1:55 PM

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By AnOldCowhand on Aug 24, 2011 at 1:46 PM

It's funny, it hurt like the dickens when it happened and by the time of the surgery (11 days later) it was swollen and hurting pretty bad. The morning after the surgery, the pain was gone (not drugs either). I broke it on Memorial Day Saturday so it's been 3 months now and generally it is healing pretty well. The doc tells me the bone is healed but I'm still watching out for it a bit. My hand is still stiff and I'm dealing with some soft tissue healing and inflamation but it's getting better by and by. The doc was happy with it. >According to Kittydoc, they use Makita drill/drivers like you would get at the hardware store. Weird huh? >Not nosey. I am the QA Manager and a Manufacturing Engineer with Strasbaugh, Inc. We make grinding, lapping and polishing equipment. >> <<

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