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By buyerbware on Jan 11, 2017 at 12:50 PM

Kewl warthog. What's preliminary vodka? Did you brew some (my buddy was playing "Copperhead Road" again today)?

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By SovaPlum on Jan 9, 2017 at 10:27 PM

Hmmmm. Well they ARE kittehs. If there's one thing you can count on - they will surprise you! I find it advisable to keep something in reserve. ;)

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By SovaPlum on Jan 9, 2017 at 9:51 PM

Ohai Serapis! o/\o (<<<floofy high paws). Teh cattafeedia you speak of is to be found HAIR Teh home of KuppyKakes Prep School and MUCH udder funs. Sew if you no sum tastee treats. . . . ?

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By beckysdad on Jan 9, 2017 at 5:18 AM

One of the more obscure songs that I enjoyed was "The Ballad of Irving".

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By beckysdad on Jan 9, 2017 at 5:17 AM

George Carlin and Steve Martin are definitely some of my favorites. Dr. Demento was a radio show that featured humorous songs. One of the more well known songs from the show would be Shaving Cream.

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By buyerbware on Jan 9, 2017 at 5:02 AM

Thanks for the links. Somehow I never even heard of Firesign Theater. One of the links said "does not exist" and the rest have audio that I can't hear on my computer, but I will try them on another device. I don't agree with everything Carlin says (who could?) but I like the routine you posted to me. My favorite of his, though, is "The Illusion of Choice."

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By buyerbware on Jan 9, 2017 at 4:53 AM

Well, so do I, and no government can afford to have a Clinton in charge - huge sums of money go missing everywhere the Clintons go, and NYC has been desperate for dollars for decades. Besides, if Hillary runs, would anyone, including her husband, believe that she would live long enough to finish her term if she got elected? To make big bucks fast, she would have to be in a federal position, which she is not likely to get. Donations to the Clinton Foundations were drying up even before the blatant pedophilia part of Podesta's emails went online, Bill's speaking fee dropped almost like the stock market on Black Friday, and HRC's book has been marked down to more than 80% off. Some of her biggest donors are criminals and totalitarian anti-Western governments who fully expected her to make their contributions pay off for them, and I have no doubt she feels pressured to do *something*. I find it ironically funny that her donors are the ones urging her to run for mayor in the one city where Trump's supporters can keep a round-the-clock eye on her and the police department found and promised to publicize the emails hidden by Huma Abedin on her husband's computer (if the FBI did not report finding them)! Makes me think it would serve her right if she ran and won, heh heh! Don't know that she will, though - she'd have to be convinced that somehow she could do some more serious grifting from the mayor's office of NYC. Can you imagine having to call her "Your Honor?" snerk!

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By beckysdad on Jan 8, 2017 at 3:18 PM

I tried the first two but they just didn't connect with me. There was some fun radio back in the day that did entertain me. I used to love to listen to Dr. Demento.

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By heyman on Jan 7, 2017 at 9:55 AM

I worked overnight and should be trying to sleep right now but that song is going around in my head. I thought making a lol might help, but alas ...

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By SovaPlum on Jan 6, 2017 at 9:10 PM

Ohai Serapis! Fank Yew fur eggsending ur floofy paw or fren chips. Hare izza nu fren giftee fur u.

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By beckysdad on Jan 6, 2017 at 10:23 AM

I can see where that thought would occur to you and it might be plausible with a different creature. Becky is wonderfully predictable as she really only has three primary, ball, swim and two secondary ride and belly rub. That's pretty much it. Any time those thoughts aren't active she immediately goes into sleep mode. She's a love.

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By beckysdad on Jan 6, 2017 at 8:19 AM

Yikes! I can't imagine people treating pets that way. Did I ED that you're in Moscow right now? You lead an interesting life. I'll dig around for a recent Becky pic. I'm always taking pictures of her.

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By beckysdad on Jan 6, 2017 at 7:59 AM

Becky's a happy girl. She turns ten this month but enjoys very good health. I think she's going to be due for a beach trip within a few weeks. I like to get her over to the coast every two or three months. We've been limited to our dawn walk for a while so an opportunity to cut loose is in order. She soooo loves the water. Carmel is a very dog friendly town. The city beach is leash free and there are lots of well behaved, friendly dogs there all the time...and it's beautiful. The town itself has dog friendly restaurants and shops too. I like going to the Hog's breath Inn. I don't know if it's still owned by Clint Eastwood but it was at one time. They have a lovely patio area with fires next to the tables. They bring out water and dog treats for your woofer to enjoy. I had lunch there once. Becky was content to lay at my feet after our play time on the beach. Half a dozen of the wait staff stopped by our table to give Becky a scritch and a treat. It made for a very pleasant day. It's my impression you don't have any furkids with you at this time. Am I correct in that or am I missing out on something good?

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By beckysdad on Jan 5, 2017 at 12:13 PM

I can see how awestruck could happen. At least you didn't forget your manners. That sounds like an interesting premise for a short story. It would be fun to picture Bochy in that role. He's such a mellow guy and he really knows how to handle a bullpen.

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By beckysdad on Jan 5, 2017 at 7:33 AM

I found info on Kinsella and allusions to The Fadeaway but no links to the actual work. One can't be a Giants fan and be unfamiliar with Christie Matthewson. I can appreciate your list of stars of which you're a fan. I'm a big Eckersley fan not just for his work on the field but I respect his recovery as well. We both got sober at just about the same time. I have much respect for Ron Cey as well despite the fact that he was...gasp...a Dodger.

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By buyerbware on Jan 4, 2017 at 3:20 PM

Both of those had me reaching for the "pause" button, I was laughing so hard. See if you can find "The Inspector General" by them. That should be whacky enough for anybody.

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By buyerbware on Jan 3, 2017 at 2:25 AM

The same thing has been said about me. Have you seen the old series, "Mad Movies with the LA Connection?" You'd probably love that. Thanks for the BLR links, kinda think I like them better than the original dialogue.

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By buyerbware on Jan 2, 2017 at 10:04 AM

Thanks for the Bad Lip Reading link - that's the best one I've seen. "FEED THE TROMBONE" made a whole lot more sense than anything coming from the podium at the real DNC. They did a hilarious job getting Sanders' accent (apologies to my buddies from Brooklyn) and faithfully captured Obama's condescending tone (no apologies whatsoever).

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By buyerbware on Dec 26, 2016 at 12:55 PM

Yes, there have been plenty of internet jokes about HIllary's paranoia of Putin going around for weeks and weeks. Remember how I said that HRC and co. all used playground bully tactics? The sing-song taunt, "What you say is what you are," ALWAYS applies to the most colossally failed US presidential candidate (even lost votes in the Electoral College after the election, and that after spending double what Trump spent). She has very shady ties to Russia and used her position as Secretary of State to give them a great nuclear advantage. Trump doesn't even own property in Russia, while HRC made sure that a significant percentage of US uranium flowed to Russia. When Hillary calls our future president ANY names, if you do just a little homework, it is easy to find multiple documented cases of her doing exactly what she accuses him of doing. She's just not that imaginative, I guess.

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By buyerbware on Dec 26, 2016 at 12:46 PM

Breitbart and some other non-MSMers take advertising. Many independent reporters and commentators do very well without advertising, though. I think advertisers who have not put much effort into internet advertising already are headed there,believing TV ads are a lost cause now compared to other types of advertising. Radio advertising is not dead, either, but the already struggling print media has already begun GIVING newspapers away, so I'd say internet ads' expansion will continue. Right after the election, Google started an additional form of advertising on youtube: putting an ad line right under the video display. Fortunately, new forms of adware are not necessary to implement additional ways of internet advertising.

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