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By buyerbware on Nov 7, 2016 at 4:38 AM

Does Vegas have a pool on HRC's kill list? I'd be thinking next up is Huma.

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By buyerbware on Nov 5, 2016 at 12:49 PM

"Hildebeest" made me LOL. Killary is all too accurate, and I can't argue with those who prefer Hitlery, what with her enthusiasm for all forms of genocide, but the one you mentioned is appropriate to an alarming degree. I am amazed that most people I know had no idea that for more than eight years, she's been talkng about doing a first strike nuclear attack. Seems it's a big fantasy of hers - you'd think a thing like that would make an impression on people.

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By buyerbware on Nov 5, 2016 at 1:26 AM

Huma Abedin should never have gotten even a low-level security clearance, but look where Hillary put her. This and the fact that Hillary moved over a billion dollars (you can guess where she got almost $2 billion) to a middle-eastern oil country where a palatial residence is waiting for "a high-ranking western political figure" fuel speculation that the candidate has an escape route and may use a staged terrorist attack as a "false flag."

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By buyerbware on Nov 5, 2016 at 1:20 AM

In the US, we generally don't use the acronym KSA in conversation, just say "Saudi Arabia." Oh, yes, the Dems have been spreading all kinds of rumors to try to prevent people (all people,not just Republicans, because Jill Stine has gone public with her opinion of Hillary's bloodthirsty desire for war, and the Sanders people have been saying all along "Never Hillary") from voting. There's a guy named Creamer who was a frequent visitor to the White House. He's reportedly a convicted felon and instigated violence at Trump rallies. As far as I know, there have been no bomb threats or anything like that in my area, but precautions are being taken at a polling station at a school and one handicapped person who lives in that district told me she's not going anywhere near a polling station on Election Day, so I can't say the cheap attempts at voter intimidation never work. Voter intimidation is a long-standing tradition in the largest cities in PA - we take it for granted. There is no early voting in this state, so everyone who does not qualify for an absentee or military ballot must show up at the polls on that one day in order to vote. Democrats' leaders are all about fear, and never more so than this election season. They know that their candidate is extremely unpopular, and people do not want to show up in droves to see her, much less get out and vote for her.

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By buyerbware on Nov 2, 2016 at 1:32 PM

No, neither of us mentioned Kaine EVER - or chaplains or banning Jesus' name. Probably just some troll. Doan worry bout it. : 7 )

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By buyerbware on Nov 2, 2016 at 1:30 PM

Okay, I think that the confusion comes from near-misses (most likely unintentional) in reporting. The chaplains resigned, apparently were not dismissed outright, and it was not a law (at least, not at the time of their resignations) but a POLICY reportedly single-handedly created, and then enforced by one person - the police superintendent. The policy censored prayers by requiring them to be non-denomational prayers at public gatherings, thus, in effect, banning Jesus' name in prayers at public functions. Kaine being Kaine was suspected of having a role in this. If he used the police superintendent as a sock puppet, nobody has proven it but it would explain why the police superintendent felt free to single-handedly change public policy.

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By catsuberalles on Nov 2, 2016 at 11:57 AM

Oops, no need for my nose. Never mind.

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By catsuberalles on Nov 2, 2016 at 11:56 AM

ED there was a blurb going around Facebook about the religious freedom issue you mentioned to buyer, and a cheezfriend posted it here. c may have mistakenly thought you were the one who posted it.

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By cataff on Nov 2, 2016 at 11:35 AM

You faved a meme that had totally inaccurate info about what Tim Kaine was supposed to have done in regard to using the word "Jesus" in prayers. I wanted you to know this was false. I'm not a Kaine fan, but I get angry when lies are spread by those making memes like this without getting their facts straight. This was one lie that I personally know the truth about without needing to go to a fact checking source, and I didn't want you to be taken in by it. I wasn't trying to imply that you are the one lying and am sorry you don't feel comfortable enough with me to ask me why I sent you a message about it. I saw what you said to Buyer about the subject. The meme in question begins with "Redeemable?"

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By cataff on Oct 31, 2016 at 9:31 AM

You know I've lived in VA all my life. I could rant about both Hillary and Tim Kaine for hours, but I don't need to tell lies to knock them. There was no bill about mentioning Jesus in prayers. This explains what actually happened and is much faster than if I retell it here, but no one was forced to resign and no one was fired: I've seen a lot of totally wrong information passed along by both sides. This situation I know personally and could not let it slide. Sorry.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 4:45 AM

Same here, even though I have files here both October and Black Cat. I only did one Halloween LOL this month so far. I guess I'm good, though, because my front yard is full of pumpkins, corn and cats (including a very talkative black one). The weather has not been calm enough for me to take pics - kittehs are hiding from the wind.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 4:13 AM

Ai did nawt noe dat! Hao did ai miss dat/ Kewl dat ai just learned a wurd stuff. thx!

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 4:07 AM

Halloween pics are scarce here. Normally by now, there would be horror movie characters and funny black cat and costumed goggie LOLs all over the place. This year it's almost as if Halloween just isn't happening here.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 4:06 AM

Yes - from someone who is known to have a "hit list." Before her murder in March, Berta Caceras had stated that in Honduras alone, Hillary had a hit list of 18 environmentalists in Honduras, with Ms. Caceras' name at the top.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 3:49 AM

Nobody has more arrogance.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 3:46 AM

There's a thought scary enough for any Halloween.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 3:27 AM

Right when one of the Clinton's lackeys was recorded stealing FBI files is when the FBI should have been all over them to settle any power grabs once and for all. Now the FBI chief knows it's him or them, but if he did not think that way, who knows how long the Clintons and a few high-ranking FBI would have gone on being "friendly?"

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 3:24 AM

As to what to say to her, the profile that you posted to me listed "Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them." Also, under "Malignant Personality,":They scapegoat; they are incapable of either having the insight or willingness to accept responsibility for anything they do. Whatever the problem, it is always someone else's fault. (4) They are remorselessly vindictive when thwarted or exposed.

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By buyerbware on Oct 31, 2016 at 3:18 AM

You're not missing a thing! She claims over and over that "17" US security agencies say the Russians hacked her emails when the well-known fact is that she very obviously doesn't believe in internet security. Julian Assange said that the DNC emails were so easy to hack the site was "like Swiss cheese," so pretty much any determined hacker could have gotten in there. Also, Hillary kept trying to make people think that Trump has "interests" in Russia while they have nothing of the kind there - no business enterprises at all. When the story broke on Friday that the Weiner investigation found more of her emails, the half-joke on line was that she'll blame the Russians.

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By catsuberalles on Oct 16, 2016 at 3:17 AM

Of course. Expats are usually looking for tax havens. *** (By Serapis on Oct 15, 2016 at 8:37 AM * One of many I needed to learn living overseas: look at the taxes first, then the GDP to debt ratio. I was warned: "think taxes first, don't even dream of living in a tax money pit. It is an uphill struggle all the way. There are alot of them." Alot of the former colonies and "old friends" have similar or same tax structures.)

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