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By buyerbware on Dec 25, 2016 at 2:51 AM

>faespaw< I just now saw that I didn't answer one or two of your questions last week and I apologize. I will get on those as soon as I drag in after the sales tomorrow. LUBZ teh HO-HO-HollyDaze! >clinks glass of adult eggnog<

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By buyerbware on Dec 19, 2016 at 9:32 AM

Two Betas later, and you still have to make a link somewhere. If there's a workaround, anis.4 would know. She's on my friends list.

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By heyman on Dec 18, 2016 at 3:48 AM

They call my Wyatt Derp

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By buyerbware on Dec 18, 2016 at 1:24 AM

Merkel's policies encouraged economic migrants' criminal activity (German police were ordered NOT to detain migrant criminals who carried no ID during the New Years' mass sexual assaults), so if any head of state should be accused of ordering the assaults, it would definitely be Merkel. I seriously doubt that any migrant in Germany would need encouragement from another head of state to do what he was going to do anyway! I don't know how cowed any German would be by their censorship-happy press, which discredited itself during the New Years' assaults just as thoroughly as the US MSM discredited itself by enthusiastically acting as the PR arm of the Clinton campaign (and then wondering aloud on camera how they got the election "so wrong!").

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By buyerbware on Dec 17, 2016 at 12:03 AM

It took Eichenwald nine minutes to avoid answering ONE question? I guess he went on air just to get face time.

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By buyerbware on Dec 16, 2016 at 11:50 PM

Last month, I told people that a certain wannabe was antagonizing Russia to the point where UK had its unmanned weaponry lined up and ready for action, and they were shocked. Major media, as cua mentioned, has been discredited even further thanks to their phony polls and selective reporting. The election probably dropped their approval numbers down from the previous six percent, judging by how major media is panicking to silence their competition. They are not at all so major these days.

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By buyerbware on Dec 16, 2016 at 1:15 AM

"Fearless Leader" is not known for great tact or decorum, at least not towards Westerners.

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By buyerbware on Dec 12, 2016 at 2:49 AM

Here is one of many articles about it - this one mentions regime change, in which HRC was undoubtedly involved.

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By buyerbware on Dec 10, 2016 at 1:09 AM

Anyone who laughs on network TV while belittling the Special Olympics shows utter lack of both empathy and diplomacy. I suppose by now you have heard that the Nobel committee wants him to return the prize that they gave him before he started bombing third-world countries that never attacked us. I take no satisfaction whatsoever in knowing that the lefty nations who adored him before his first inauguration have been alienated by him.

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By buyerbware on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:49 PM

Good grief, even in October, the online running gag was that HRC was blaming the Russians for everything. On Obama's part, I would say that he's trying to get in a last shot at Putin, who always despised him. This certainly is not the first or last nasty dig that Obama has done in public since the election (I expect him to get more hateful as Trump's inauguration approaches). He probably thinks he's settling old scores. This is typical of a president who routinely signed unpopular bills, bombed third-world nations or otherwise gave US citizens the finger on traditional holidays. I got so that every Christmas I expected a gosh-awful official "present" from him, yet another story that the MSM could have covered but did not. Did you know that he recently stated that our military have the right to demonstrate and defy authority? Never mind that there are US servicemen in jail for voicing their opinions of him, NOW he says it's all good. ; 7 D

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By buyerbware on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:41 PM

Many millions. One state that recounted and recounted is soon to vote on legislation that would clearly define fees per district to be paid BY CANDIDATES who want recounts, and they're grandfathering it back so that if it passes, that state will be entitled to charge Stein the millions that their efforts would otherwise cost their state's taxpayers. I hope every state has laws similar to this so that losing candidates cannot punish states financially after elections. In Pennsylvania, any candidate who wants a recount MUST show evidence, within a deadline (Stein knew our deadline and posted it, missed it, and sued, in that order). MSM does not cover this, but blatant instances of machine rigged voting was discovered both during the election and in at least one state's recount.

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By buyerbware on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:29 AM

That song is an all-time favorite of someone I know, so I hear it fairly often. I watched that video several times up to the end. Now I wonder what I missed . . . . . .

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By buyerbware on Dec 7, 2016 at 1:46 PM

The psychopaths who call themselves our leaders are panicking (John Podesta hasn't been seen since Hillary lost). Watch lamestream media start accusing independent media of "fake news," and this so soon after MSM tricked itself into firmly believing its lie that HRC "had to" get her way - the unscientific polls and pre-election publication of election results certainly qualify as fake news.

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By buyerbware on Dec 7, 2016 at 12:55 AM

Not me - I had already known about the Clinton connection to the Lolita Express for a long time, and so had some people in media, it's just that some of them sit on these true tales of Clintonesque crimes. I have long maintained that being a Clintonite means excusing the inexcusable. Too many in US media do exactly that. David Seaman is sick of the whole Pizzagate thing but stays on it because the people who should be giving it more time than Watergate do not cover this more recent and far more heinous scandal.

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By buyerbware on Dec 5, 2016 at 10:51 AM

David Seaman explains the basics of Pizzagate.

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By buyerbware on Dec 4, 2016 at 1:38 AM

No doubt about that. One would hope that the Clinton gang would learn that the playground bully tactics of name-calling, threats and violence don't make people want to vote for the aggressors, but so far that does not seem to be the case. In spite of all the Clintonites' "deplorable" actions, as a believer in Whirled Dominayshun, I have been laughing through this amazing year. After the election fraud at the DNC in Philly, HRC actually messaged that she counted on Sanders supporters as "money in the bank" for the general election! Dem leadership is still in denial, to a great extent, about the tidal wave of Democrat voters who voted for Trump, exemplified by a Sanders delegate who began campaigning for Trump even before DNC Philly left PA! Then Dem leaders wanted to blame Jill Stein for diverting votes away from HRC, only to turn around and want "in" when Stein targeted states (which did not have the slimmest wins on the 8th, which went blue, had a decent number of electoral votes and would not have gone to Stein no matter what) for poorly timed demands for expensive vote recounts. Now with Pizzagate getting more publicity, the unabashed cruelty of the Clinton gang and their close associates is out there for all to see, AGAIN. Where I live, the few Clinton signs that were up the Friday before Election Day came down the following weekend. I don't think it was because of Comey's announcement of the "Life Insurance" file. People who, on Friday, were supporting Hillary were already okay with her reckless arrogance about security and her "I don't recall" dishonesty. I really believe that it was the emails documenting both Clintons' trips on the Lolita Express that had their lawn signs disappearing that weekend.

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By buyerbware on Dec 3, 2016 at 12:14 AM

"you, too, can enter the US with a green card - no valid address needed"

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By buyerbware on Dec 2, 2016 at 1:06 AM

If I'm going to kill a few brain cells, it had better be worth it. : 7 D

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By buyerbware on Dec 1, 2016 at 1:54 PM

older and slower - that's for me, too, when I do drink beer. all my favorites are out of production now and have been for years, which makes me feel pretty darn old and slow myself (although I'm not that slow, really).

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By buyerbware on Nov 29, 2016 at 4:09 AM

Believe it or not, Prohibition is still a hot button issue for me! What Prohibition did was to wipe out the traditions and legitimate family businesses of many Americans of German descent. Clean, quality product produced by law-abiding families was replaced by who-knows-what (which sometimes killed entire parties) bootleg and created a booming crime culture which did not go away after Prohibition. I've never been against home brewing, but I am against government doing what it does best: criminalizing activities and wrecking large segments of commerce and culture. >whew< sorry, had to get that out. This puts me on both sides of the issue and dead-set against un-constitutional federal control. Can you tell I have Libertarian friends? ; 7 D

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