Squee-For-Mezaz09's Favorites

Not Even Once

Alone Together, Forever...

Why my bf no txt me yet?

Totoro Plush



awkard's Crazy Aunt Said

aunty: hey mum, remember what you used to call me when i was a teen? nana: no aunty: you used t...

Emi's Crazy Mom Said

Me: Mom, you ready? Mom: For what? Me: We're having dinner with my boyfriend's family! You insi...

U Jello's Crazy Mom Said

*Mom is sipping from a cup* Mom: Want to drink some Jello?

anon's Crazy Dad Said

dad: (after several beers) have you ever seen an 80 foot bonfire? me: no, why? dad: do you want...

So Much Better!

Learn From SnotSpewer's Fail

If you have a runny nose please refrain from head banging to speedmetal. Your friends will thank ...

Learn From TequilaWolff's Fail

When you feel the need to dance like a maniac, take off all the necklaces you are wearing. It wil...

Learn From Failing artist's Fail

No matter how hard you rub the eraser over the paper, you can't erase the pencil lines of a copie...

Learn From WideAwakeNow's Fail

When going back to bed, half-asleep, after getting up to go to the bathroom, do NOT try to take a...

Learn From It's not what you think's Fail

If you have vanilla yogurt for a midday snack at work, you may want to make sure you don't have a...

Look Mom, No Lobes!

Let It All Hang Out!

I Don't Think Anyone Wears Those Like That

Norwegian Commute WIN

Sparkle Man


Fruity Whipped Cream Cupcake Earrings

Epicute: Blast Off Birthday!

Bill Bailey Totally Looks Like Thomas Hobbes

by TUK, http://www.shoescollector.fr/archive/2011/04/10/escarpins-tuk-rocket-dog-tiggers-pour-un-style-arty.html


Where is Team America When You Need Them?

Yes and Yes and Yes

Daily Sandwich: Fry Burger


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