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By Rockys-owner on Feb 13, 2011 at 5:18 AM

Hi, yeah my Rocky is a little black and white devil! Your Rocky looks so cute!

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By ljg52843 on Feb 12, 2011 at 6:11 PM

aw! i currently dont have a kitteh but am asking everyday if i can get one. fiance says no. every day. and every day i am sad about it. it might be why i am addicted to this site in a very serious, medical condition sort of way.

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By ljg52843 on Feb 12, 2011 at 5:02 PM

thats so true. fer instance, those closest to me! no one gets it like other cheezy friends.

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 12, 2011 at 6:48 AM

It's kind of fun to watch Chef Ramsey screaming at people, especially, "You donkey!" *LOL* Too funny! And, he owns like 12 restaurants around the world. That's amazing! I know he's got high standards when it comes to food, so I wish I could eat at one of his restaurants to see how amazing food could really taste. Hope you have a great weekend, as well! :)

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 10, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Chocolate should be one of the four food groups, I agree! I'm a big fan of "Hell's Kitchen," and not just because of the work those chefs put into what they do, but Gordon Ramsey is quite a fascinating person to watch. Just glad I don't work for some guy like him, swearing at people all the time in the course of doing their work. Wait, I HAVE worked for people like that before. No wonder I'm out of work, I can't stand that happening to me. :(

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 10, 2011 at 10:47 AM

Cooking and baking can certainly be delicate processes. Cakes can fall apart when you're trying to decorate them! And, don't even mention soufflés! I enjoy cooking and watching cooking shows. When I was young, I watched Jeff Smith on The Frugal Gourmet, every week. I have most of his cookbooks. That was before I learned about what he did with those little boys when he was a priest. Yuck! That's amusing what Rocky did. He really sounds like a fun character to have around the house. :)

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By crazeekittehlaydee on Feb 10, 2011 at 9:04 AM

ohai SCM! Fankees! =^..^=

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By chargette on Feb 9, 2011 at 2:24 PM

Thank you very much!

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By violetD on Feb 8, 2011 at 5:05 PM

Thanks very much!!! Your stuff is excellent too!!! Off the top of my head two of your latest...Origami and Catscade! ROFL and cute! Thanks for the request! It is VERY nice to meet you too!!

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 8, 2011 at 7:59 AM

I enjoy art and support the artists who create it. I suppose that's just because I'm a creative person as a writer and want to support those who are also creative. :) Being an artist is a difficult job, since they put so much time into pieces and sometimes those pieces don't sell or they have to rely on commissions, which sometimes are hard to come by. But, yeah, SyFy is pretty cool. I haven't had cable for at least 10 years, but back then, the SciFi Channel (as it was known then) had more old series and movies than the original productions it cablecasts now. Plenty of good sci-fi stuff out there, though. :D

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 7, 2011 at 7:12 AM

Hi! I hope you enjoyed the Puppy Bowl. I didn't pay any attention to the game or the commercials, though that's about all that seems to be the topics of discussion on the TV news this morning. And, Christina Aguilar's performance. I feel bad for her, since I've been a fan of her music for many years. Glad to hear you've gotten better weather. It snowed here again yesterday and we're expecting Arctic temperatures again for most of the week. No melting here anytime soon! :( At the art gallery, I help visitors, answer questions, take care of sales transactions and register people for classes. I think there were about five visitors during the four hours I worked yesterday, which isn't unusual for a Saturday afternoon, but the weather didn't help. I did a lot of cleaning. As far as writing, I used to be a newspaper reporter, though I have written some fiction. In the past, I wrote some fanfic based on Star Trek and Sliders (sci-fi TV series), but also some short stories based on human drama. I've started writing another story, mostly as therapy, dealing with how my life might be if I were to return to the newspaper field. Wish Rocky a "Happee Burfdae" from me! Sounds like a fun time was had! Hope you have a good week!

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 5, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Yikes! It sounds like the weather really is affecting everyone, not for the better, though. The news stations out of Chicago were reporting that people were being more pleasant with each other in the wake of the big storm, but I'm sure that would be different if it were ice rather than snow. Glad to hear that you've made it through all right. I'm going to head out into the cold this afternoon to do some volunteering at an art gallery. May not be busy, but someone's gotta be there. Super Bowl? Meh. Not interested. In football in general. I won't be paying any attention to anything related to it. Enjoy, though!

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 4, 2011 at 4:39 PM

Wow! It sounds like you got it worse than I did here. I've been through a couple of ice storms down in the St. Louis area. Not any fun trying to drive when streets are sheets of ice and not much fun anywhere else if ice brings down power lines! Hope you were somewhere safe and warm during the storm. There's about 18 inches of snow on the ground here, then it got bitterly cold. It was about 15 below the night before last. We're expecting more snow on Sunday or Monday. Oh, yippee! Take care and keep safe and warm!

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By lolcatfan1973 on Feb 2, 2011 at 8:23 AM

There's about 18 inches of just snow on the ground here. The meteorologists had been predicting up to 30 inches (!) if you can believe it. It would've been the worst storm to ever hit Chicago. Instead, we get the fifth worst ever recorded. And, the sun just came out! (Whee!) Looking out on the snow from my third-floor apartment, it looks beautiful. Not that I plan to go out in this stuff, though! Tonight, the temperature is expected to drop to at least 10 below!! Hopefully the storm will lose some of its power before it reaches the East Coast.

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By lolcatfan1973 on Jan 30, 2011 at 7:58 PM

Yeah, how can anyone work or shop if there's nowhere to park? What is THAT? An attempt to force people to take public transit or something? ;D It could be a money issue. I'd believe that. Hopefully they'll come to their senses before the next storm hits ... or not. Gotta love politicians! ;)

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By lolcatfan1973 on Jan 30, 2011 at 8:58 AM

No problem! Glad to listen to your concerns. Yeah, that same storm is scheduled to come through the Chicago area on Monday and Tuesday and currently, the forecasts are calling for about a foot to accumulate here. Oh, well, it hasn't been that bad so far this winter, so we were due for a major storm. Hope the city figures out some way to get that snow out of the way before the next storm hits. (Have they considered just dumping it in the river or bay?)

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By cinna-crumbs on Jan 29, 2011 at 9:29 PM

That's HILARIOUS about Rocky making all that racket... and then silence! We usually only get worried when we hear a big *CRASH* - our guys seem to have a knack for only climbing on places with breakables on 'em (or beneath 'em)! Don't mind the snow as much, since I don't really have to go out every day... but it *is* getting a little tiresome when stuff (hockey games, classes, etc.) is cancelled because they expect a lot more snow than we actually get! (We had things cancelled on Thurs and Fri, when it was totally sunny!) Bleah. :-P

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By lolcatfan1973 on Jan 27, 2011 at 3:25 PM

Wow! You guys really got socked with snow out there! We got a couple of inches in the past few days, nothing compared to what you've seen. We might have 4 inches on the ground right now. Most of what we got melted a couple of weeks ago, when we got rained on pretty hard, but it's all white again. Hope you make it through the rest of the winter!

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By lolcatfan1973 on Jan 27, 2011 at 1:07 PM

Good to hear! :)

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By lolcatfan1973 on Jan 23, 2011 at 6:27 PM

Yes, the winter of '95-'96. I graduated from college that season and started my first real job. The week I started that job was the coldest it had been in quite some time (okay, so the winter of '92-'93 wasn't THAT long ago at that time). I remember January of '93, since the first day of spring semester started out at 26 below and we still had classes. (The next day, it was 13 above zero and the president cancelled classes. Go figure!) Not having a job right now is kind of a good thing, since I don't have to be out in this weather! Anyhow, it's not a big deal if you can't write. Life gets busy from time to time, so I understand. Hope you have a good week!

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