acastille's Favorites

  • It is not a good idea to tell your 3-year-cousin that you are "feeding" your DVD-player. You´ll ...
  • Open up all email attachments before forwarding them on to other employees..
  • When about to jump off a clif into the ocean ALWAYS test the temperature of the water FIRST unles...
  • If you walk into an invisible object when you are entering the shower, it's a magical thing calle...
  • It's difficult to hold in a fart and sneeze at the same time... Just go to the restroom.
  • When you are using a weed eater and notice a bee land on your hand, do not use said weed eater wh...
  • Beware of baking cookies in stoneware pans. They remain nuclear hot, and you will have a tray ful...
  • Never hold your guitar pick in your mouth, you will swallow it and it will hurt, both going in, a...
  • Oreos + warm apple juice = horrible vomit cookies.
  • When holding coco powder and cheese powder, remember which goes on your pasta and which goes in y...
  • If you have a habit of sneezing 7-10 times in a row...for the love of god put down your coffee. U...
  • Before warming up, putting milk in, and sipping the "coffee" you found in the fridge, ask your so...
  • Never try to clean off a foot of snow with your windshield wipers, especially if your car door is...
  • When you're exhausted and numbly going through your bedtime routine, remember that you were also ...
  • If you own every season of your favorite TV show on DVD and are watching a brand new episode on T...
  • If you happen to work at Pizza Hut, don't turn around too quickly when carrying the pizza to a ta...
  • If you like to wear slippers around the house in the morning, for the love of God remember to tak...
  • If there's a guy talking between all your iPod songs, then you're listening to the radio, pressin...
  • Always wear gloves while making chicken with habenero sauce. No matter how well you think you was...
  • If a guy in a wheelchair with no legs wins BINGO do not give him socks as a prize. #LFMF
  • Hear someone talking in the other room late at night? Before you panic and call police, give a li...
  • The top of the toilet tank is not the best place to put your cell while in the shower. It will ri...
  • If you just cut your gums really bad while flossing, reconsider using mouthwash afterwards
  • Do not affix a "Celebrate" postage stamp when mailing a sympathy card.
  • When your going to the fridge in the complete dark to get a drink before bed and get blinded by t...


  • Favorites