doom75's Favorites

  • When working during a power outage don't report back to the main office that you couldn't fix the...
  • That little warning on the back of the Monster energy can that tells you not to have more then th...
  • Do not practice diving in your pool if your brother has his friends over. You will not notice the...
  • Me: Dad, I can't remember what RNA is! Dad: Remember, RNA is sort of like an aggressive date. ...
  • (Me brushing my teeth) (Gargling, Dad walks in holds my nose and says) Dad: Swallow! Me: (Spi...
  • If someone says "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" don't throw a...
  • Me (7 Year old): Mom, what if aliens landed in the back yard, ate all our food, and left? Dad: S...
  • When in the shopping centre with your 4-year-old, if she takes of her shoes and runs ahead of the...
  • When at a party, don't sneak into the baby (who isn't there)'s room to have sex with your girlfri...
  • When arguing about your weight and trying to convey that the massive amount of clothing you are w...
  • If you're greeting your (lesbian) roommate that just came back from a date, do NOT ask her if the...
  • When working behind the bar, wondering why a group of smiling guys has gathered in front of you, ...