fayera1's Favorites

Subway Employee Does What We've All Fantasized About Doing to a Cop, but Weren't Dumb Enough to Actually Do

Trumpcat ponders whether the tomato should be sent back to Mexico

Big Dog Tries to Hide From Human Behind a Little Plant

Should've Never Taken Magneto Away from His Folks

This Is Why Landlords Demand a Security Deposit

Celebrate Father's Day With This List of Amazing Dad Things

15 Humorous Dad Tweets to Remind You How Fun Being a Father Is

If he didn't use protection before, he gonna need it now

Burn It All!

Hiding in Plain Sight

15 Years Later

Can You Imagine the Nightmares?

Officers Respond to Reports of a Suspicious Vehicle Only to Find a Bunch of Happy Dogs

Instant Best Friends

X-Men Characters Find a Reason to Love Again in This Boyz II Men Song Parody

Bearded Dragon and Cat are Quite the Dynamic Duo

This Tiny Baby Can't Stop Laughing at the Dog Eating Popcorn

Darwin Award

Notorious Crow Tries to Steal Evidence From a Crime Scene

Guy Delivers Dark Poetic Justice to a Spambot Desperately Trying to Strip

Annd Now the Paranoia Sets In...

Something Was Roaring, and It Wasn't the Engine

No Man's Sky Has Been Delayed Until August, and Who's Honestly Surprised About It?

Paralyzed Dad Uses Robotic Suit to Walk His Daughter down the Aisle

Overwatch Player With Cerebral Palsy Writes One Heck of a Heartfelt Thank You Letter to Blizzard for Accessibility Options

Go Camping, They Said. It'll Be Fun, They Said.

Pikachu, What Did You Go and Do to Yourself?

If That Doesn't Work out There's Always Teamy McTeamface

Condescending Twitter Dude Takes the Bait

Princess and Her Underlying Motives, Revealed


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