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By shanebc01 on Mar 25, 2010 at 10:49 PM

will do. I'm off as well. TTYL. (Hugs back)

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By shanebc01 on Mar 25, 2010 at 10:30 PM

We've been doing good. Just about to go to bed myself. It stormed a bit this morning, a little windy too. Not to bad weather after tho. I remember the stormy days in the Spring ans Summer there in FL. lol.

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By shanebc01 on Mar 25, 2010 at 10:03 PM

Howdy! How are u doin?

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By Green_Lung on Mar 25, 2010 at 9:44 AM

Well im gonna peek at ur lols quickly, b4 I start to wind down the office, nearly going home and getting baked time :) I really luv ur cat rodeo lol and of course I luv the stoned babies, oh hash oil now that is something i would nearly kill 2 get my hands on, sadly it is so rare in this country, and so strong :D. Oh y u taking pain pill, u in pain r u having a bit of fun? And if u wont condone kids using hash, well I guess I will have to ;p Speak soon, take care ((hugs))

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By Green_Lung on Mar 25, 2010 at 9:34 AM

Very much glad 2 hear ur truckin on the roads again :D I am very well lately, feelin great (don’t quite know y tho) and spring is in the air, as well as rain clouds. Feelin very gud too cos yesterday I dusted off my old bong, not hit it for ova a year! O how could i 4get how nice bongs fuk me up more than spliffs do. Mite even wipe the dust off of my vaporizer and chillum too, get messed up old skool. Used all of my holidays up now, but they get renewed in April, and yea u dam reet I get paid for my holidays, major kick off’s if I didn’t! Glad u’ve seen that film, yea he did smoke cos smoking saved his life when he got kidnapped and covered in tonnes of nictotine patches – which would have normally poisoned a none smoker. Perhaps every1 near u is eating in and saving their dollars, but over in the UK restaurants and takeaways r doing gr8 business during the recession. I’m starving now after all this talk of munch.

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By Green_Lung on Mar 25, 2010 at 9:21 AM

Hello monkey mama, oh yea I fink I’d like jeopardy, maybe I can convince a tv network over here to host a UK version, and maybe they’ll let me host it (if they can get me sober). U might wanna film ur son dancing to the theme music so u can embarrass him wen he gets older, r maybe send it in2 one of those home video shows and get a little bit of cash for ur troubles. Oh Mario kart is teh best! I like playing online and using daft names, at the moment I log on as “WWJD? Pimp” just 2 try piss off any christians who might b playing. That’s bad ur ex stole ur games and for dope money! Now u don’t mean weed wen u say dope do u, cos that is even worse!!! The end of ur text was missing :(

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By Green_Lung on Mar 19, 2010 at 8:39 AM

No I don’t recall u telling my about ur septic tank, but that does sound nasty! Sorry u’ve had so much truckin truck trouble too. As the saying goes, it never rains but it pours. And that does sound bad ur hubby having to work 200 miles! What does he do for a living? Lol I like that saying “screw me 12 ways to Sunday.” I’ve been quite gud, can’t really complain, had a lot of free time lately had unused holidays left to take from work, so I’ve just been a jack the lad, getting wasted and going out and about, oh and hugged the toilet a few times ;) Yes I will try not 2b too grumpy, seems 2b working for me most of the time. That is bad when all those shops shut down, lol u wanna c all the shops that have shut in my town. I don’t recognise any where any more. Gud 2 hear from u again, let me know how u battle on against ur adversities. Fink I’l check ur l8est lols out in a mo....Hope u have a peaceful relaxed weekend, take care, ttys x

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By Green_Lung on Mar 19, 2010 at 8:36 AM

Glad to hear from u monkey :D Tis ok, ya never need apologise, sorry to hear about all of ur troubles. Lol I didn’t really picture u as a holier than thou ex-smoker. O speakin of which, have u ever seen that film, Thank You for Smoking? It’s a gud black comedy, worth a watch if u already aint. 3-4 cigs is gud, awe I be proud of u! Hang on googling 12 fluid oz into millilitres...oh my is that the average beer bottle size most American’s drink? Yea dam str8 pint glasses all the way! Oh u almost described my perfect female pothead apart from the need for speed bit (I’m a Mario Kart fan myself). No u defo not pathetic for liking ur big words, far from it. Lol my fave word at the mo is stank r stankz. Not too sure what show Jeopardy is, but if u ever want 2 challenge ur brain watch a UK show called University Challange, it is so hard it is ridiculous, my highest score is 7, cos 1 show there was a Western and a Hip-Hop category on it.

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By Bubbahyde on Mar 13, 2010 at 1:25 PM

Hi. Sorry I haven't replied to your last message earlier, but my family has been dealing w/ medical problems. The pictures I was talking about are under my profile (pics). There are some real cute ones.

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By shanebc01 on Mar 10, 2010 at 8:03 PM

Glad you could make it on for a visit. Hellos and hugs back from both of us.

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By babybucko on Feb 22, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Im doing FANTASTIC! I'm sick but, that'll go away eventually! **hugs back** OOOOO

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By Green_Lung on Feb 20, 2010 at 4:12 AM

Just checked out the lil chipmunk, he’s boss, I want 1 for the office, so he can look at people like that, wen they walk thru the door! How’s the job hunting going, any joy? O I’d better go n do sum work (mitering fackin customers) but not b4 I go freeze myself outside so I can have a ciggy, have u got one of those public smoking bans in ur state? They wanna now make it illegal for us smokers to smoke near doorways. Fink they want us 2 smoke in the middle of roads! But u wouldn’t care, now ur smoke free ;p O please don’t turn in2 1 of those ex-smokers who piss off all other smokers. Have a stress 3 wkend, ((hugs))

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By Green_Lung on Feb 20, 2010 at 4:11 AM

Good moody morning – lol I haz a grumpy instead of a hangover, for sum reason, sweet baby Jesus did I put away the beer last nite :D Yea u b rite, it is me in my profile pic, lol my eyebrows look very big and long in it, darn shadows! Hold the press, your drinking pints, lol 4 sum reason I never pictured Americans drinking pints, thought u lot just drank out of smaller glasses :p Congrats on stopping smoking, but, u make me sick, no cravings after 1 n half weeks!!! Phff! I can’t go an hour wivout cravings! Last time I tried quit I lasted 2 n a half days, but the spliffs did help wiv the nicotine cravings. Hope u stay off those little brown cancer sticks, make me proud ;) Lol ur “pathetic history” made me laff, so wots ur most fav. word? & I apologise in advance for the crappy old joke, but, did the Zebra do it?

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By shanebc01 on Feb 18, 2010 at 11:38 AM

Howdy! We had a great Valentines Day. We didn't get to drink or do much, cause we had to work :( but we were both off the Monday after, and my brother got married so celebrating that made up for working on Vtine's day. lol. Hope everthing is going good for you. Glad you could stop by. (Hugs!)

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By Beforetheir.eyes24 on Feb 18, 2010 at 11:25 AM

Hallo! I'm good, and you? *hugs* :)

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By Yurii on Feb 18, 2010 at 10:55 AM

Thanks and *HUGZ back* for the birthday wishes!

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By Yurii on Feb 18, 2010 at 10:54 AM

I'm surviving, volunteering, and getting by as well as I can. Nothing major happening for now, which is about all I can ask for at this time!

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By Neytiri on Feb 17, 2010 at 8:39 PM

it is in california northern california. i live in southern california. ok thx and not really

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By Neytiri on Feb 17, 2010 at 8:27 PM

well. i was at monterey with my mom and brother. he took the pics at a place with a lot of motercycles. he took those pics. he had a suzuki but it got stolen he got a moped. it got stolen. i think. he got a ducati he got in a motercyle accident. broke his hand still recovering.

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By Neytiri on Feb 17, 2010 at 8:21 PM

sick. how are you right now

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