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By Neytiri on Feb 17, 2010 at 8:16 PM


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By Yurii on Feb 14, 2010 at 5:06 PM

Happy Valentine's Day to you! -

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By IDrinkaRum on Feb 6, 2010 at 3:38 PM

I'm sorry you ended up in the E.R. and that your septic tank is on the fritz! Yowza! You haven't gotten the snow have you? The drifts are almost as tall as my daughter (who is 4 feet 2 inches tall)!! And she lost a boot out there. I don't tihnk we'll find it until the snow melts. :( Ah well. :) I hope you're doing better and at least trying to relax just a little. *hugs*

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By Green_Lung on Feb 6, 2010 at 5:06 AM

U were cooking in 25 F? That’s -4 degrees C! U animals! Lol lots of people round here were cooking BBQ’s too, WTF! Yea Jack D do make the finest clothing range ;) O my “smoke” break was just 4 normal tobacco, I only really smoke cigs at work r wen drinking, other wise it’s str8 up bud 4 me! Lol look at u wiv the big words “debauchery” I thought it said douce-baggery wen I first read it, makes more sense now tho! Time 4 a cig break me thinks, since sum old deer has just came in and left the office stanking of nasty old woman perfume. O it’s bn a fun day, while I was hung over earlier on sum old customer flipped me the bird wiv a smile as he said bye, ya gotta luv the elderly! Haz a gud weekend, and hope it snows 4 u ;p x

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By Green_Lung on Feb 6, 2010 at 5:05 AM

Hello, feels like I’ve hardly bn on here for so long, but it’s prob only a fortnight since I’ve had sum good me time 2 goof off wiv. How is u n the fam? Anyway 1st fings 1st I luv ur naughty lol ;) Yea I shit u not, we did have sheets of thick ice, but Im so happy thats all metled, but we’re still getting snow, twice last week, but it’s melting quicker this time, fank fook! Lol I can’t wait for the gas bill to arrive, it’s gonna b monumentally epic, think I’m gonna have 2 sell crack 2 make up the coin! O and I’ve heard of Daytona (but not Brooksville) just thought I’d share that nugget of useless info wiv ya. Happy ur area’s getting warm again, I iz jealous :p

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By shanebc01 on Feb 4, 2010 at 4:34 PM

Hiya. I would've replied yesterday, but I had a klutz moment and spilled soda all over my keyboard. lol. I haven't been able to do anything online till now since I just bought a new one. Sorry to hear you're goin thru a hard time. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. we've been doin good here. Just the same daily routines, work, time at home, and a little lol making. Hope you pull thorugh the ruff spot. Good to hear from you! :) (hugs back)

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By IDrinkaRum on Feb 2, 2010 at 7:36 AM

We're all feeling better! My daughter got over her ear infection after getting augmentin (a stronger form of amoxicillin) and I had a round of augmentin too. :) (plus ear drops) for my ear infection. I hope you're doing better than I! :) We're supposed to get more snow in Virginia. Hopefully it won't start until after I go to my pulomary doc. *keeps fingers crossed*

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By cheezybuger on Jan 29, 2010 at 6:48 PM

same heer:)and thx u 2!!

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By cheezybuger on Jan 27, 2010 at 12:06 PM

hai dere!!im 2z!!!

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By Green_Lung on Jan 23, 2010 at 4:30 AM

Howdy doodle bug , glad 2 hear u got sum snow! Ya I enjoyed my extended holiday, but it did suck balls big time when all the snow turned into sheets of ice that lasted for over a week, so was fun sliding everywhere and not being able to walk properly, just happy I never fell over! So u still avoiding Mr. J Daniels? I’ve got a luvly bottle of dark rum 2 nail at a party 2nite, can’t wait hopefully wen I get re-pissed my cider hangover will finally shift ;) Oh yea, lol, throwing up a little in your mouth every time u saw that shot :D Lol yea you know, I know what you mean ;) O got sum shocking news, I fink it’s that time of the every other year, when I could do with a weed break, r cut back for a few weeks, not had a day off since, well I can’t remember, got a proper fuzzy cloud constantly over me at the mo ;O Well I’m gonna limp my way outside for a cig break, I got 2 of the worst bloody n raw blisters on both my heals :( U have a Jim Bowen weekend, (hugs n Hi 5’s all round)

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By Bubbahyde on Jan 12, 2010 at 3:56 PM

I found a few pics. you might like.

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By Green_Lung on Jan 9, 2010 at 5:56 AM

3 of 3 Erm I fink pinny’s n aprons r the same, maybe just different ways of saying it, like u say sidewalk we say pavement. Lol yes they can have prints on em, and erm lol I don’t do aprons, and I would especially refuse 2 wear 1 wiv any gay printed picture on it, I’d rather cook naked n risk getting splattered with hot fat! O yes please do tell me wot those smelly pigs keep doing outside ur house! Fank u for the 2 lols, of course I’ve got the papers, o speaking of which I need 2 pick up some king size papers on my way home, hope I don’t 4get I’m sick of building rigs using smaller skins (papers). N of course I heard about Tiger Woods, it was on all the news channels over here 4 about a week solid, I shit u not! Lol did u hear this joke: I just bought Tiger Woods’ DVD My favourite 18 holes. Turns out it’s all about golf :( O really love ur full metal jacket/wheelchair lol, brilliant! Speak 2u soon, talk care n play safe, ((hugs)) x

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By Green_Lung on Jan 9, 2010 at 5:52 AM

2 of 3 U know over here the police r very reluctant to carry on high speed chases if they fink it will end in a crash r worse, but wot I gather from ur car chase cop shows the pigs will almost always carry on, no matter the risks! Lol I doubt I’d like 2 get in2 an argument wiv u, I’d bet u’d win ;) Speaking of moonshine n whiskey, I finally got back with spirits this Xmas, how I missed JD n vodka, lol but not together. But unfortunately I never got to finish my 2nd bottle of vodka nor did I get to touch a drop of my brandy, my cousin nailed loads of my booze wen we had a family gathering, lol wen did women over take men in the amount of booze they can nail. O yea u don’t have 2 censor ur swear words with an asterix, I don’t get offended, swear away :D Happy (belated) anniversary, sounds like u had fun ;) Ya spoilt little rich kids having pharm parties, if they r that rich wots wrong with pure white powder!

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By Green_Lung on Jan 9, 2010 at 5:47 AM

1 of 3 Hello, nice 2 hear from u again :D Lol u just managing to escape the big freeze in ur country, r u still enviably warm? Lol we got major chaos in the UK cos of all the subzero temperatures and snow n ice, which is kinda neat cos I’ve not bn able 2 get in2 work all week, so I had a longer Christmas break than was expected :D O yea fink I left my manners at the door... Happy Nu Yr/Decade!!! U get wasted on new years r u stay in wiv the kids? I gotz a bit wasted bit just hung out wiv a few friends, didn’t do anything special this year. I’m actually supposed 2b out at a party 2nite, but it’s bn snowed off! I never knew Marilyn had bipolar schiz, poor gal, raw about her step dad too! Sorry 2 hear about u and ur hubby’s friend, I’d never ever own a bike they r just too dangerous, doctors over here call them organ donors!

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By Unknown11 on Jan 6, 2010 at 7:09 PM

plz no cussing

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By Yurii on Jan 4, 2010 at 8:02 PM

BTW - I love your newest Sports LOLs, especially the hockey game breaking out during a fight!!

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By Yurii on Jan 4, 2010 at 8:00 PM

You're welcome, I'll be doing more later tonight. I appreciate the comments about my son, it's a unique/special situation that has only changed abruptly and dynamically in the last 2 months, but it will work out eventually, thanks!

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By shanebc01 on Jan 4, 2010 at 6:41 PM

Hey! We had a nice quiet New years as well. We're not much for goin out either. Of course working thru Christmas and New Years didn't help much. We were tired. At least even Wal Mart closes on Christmas. lol. Hope your computer trouble clears up soon. I know what it's like, mine messes up with little faults like that too. Good to hear from you! *hugs back*

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By catlovre2008 on Jan 4, 2010 at 6:13 PM

:-) *hugs*

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By catlovre2008 on Jan 4, 2010 at 6:04 PM

You're year has to get better. After all it's only the 4th. I wish you all the best! Good night. Take care! **{hugs & kisses}**

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