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By godofcheezburger on Nov 25, 2009 at 3:07 PM

thanks happy turkey day 2 u!

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By Cyberkedi on Nov 19, 2009 at 7:06 PM

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By Green_Lung on Nov 19, 2009 at 7:08 AM

You alrite? glad you’ve decided to get sum more life out of ur costume ;) Yea sucks i’ve bn workin pure loads L8ly, but I sumhow managed 2 get 3 days off last weekend, enjoyed my painkillers, they do complement a nice drink/smoking session, except for wen it screwed wiv my balance, I punched a pint glass ova, and nearly fell on my arse just after I picked up sum bud, and mai dealer saw it all :D I just regret giving most of the pain killers away now, but I’ve got 4 left, but they’ll b gone by dis weekend! Lol i can c y people get hooked on em. Gud luck wiv the job hunting :D lol i got a 20 pence raise per hour this quarter, wot da fuck can i do wiv a couple of extra pounds a week, buy 1 more pint at teh pub?! Of course I’l smoke 1 r 4 for ya, smoked 1 other day I put 4 diff kinds of bud in it, it was longer than both of my hands, but u’ve neva cn my hands, so was kinda big....I had 2 take a 30 min nap after I inhaled that hammock sized J. I’l speak 2 u soon, take cares x

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By catlovre2008 on Nov 18, 2009 at 4:22 PM

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By Neytiri on Nov 8, 2009 at 8:12 PM


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By IDrinkaRum on Nov 7, 2009 at 2:24 PM

Heh .. that does sound nice! LOL Husband's face is still swollen - not as badly as before, but it's still noticable. And the poor guy needs to go into work tomorrow! :( I know he's going to be hating life. The percocet is the best thing going for him right now. :D DD is over the strep. And I *knock on wood* didn't catch it! Yay! Tomorrow is going to be either lazy day or Super Wal-Mart day. (There is a Super Wal-Mart that opened about 20-30 minutes from my house! Woohoo!) <<hugs>>

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By bigcatrescue on Nov 7, 2009 at 11:09 AM

Thanks for being our friend, yeah bills need to be paid I guess, if only.....:)

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By Green_Lung on Nov 7, 2009 at 4:33 AM

Morning trouble ;p Glad u luv Halloween, I akshully enjoyed the party my m8s had, thought I waz gonna b grumpy all nite :D Lol on my T-shirt I wrote “pregnant gender swap abomination, Thomas Beatie” followed by classic adult humour “Mom’s got a cock” I got full marks 4 being original. Sweet baby Jesus, 10 dolla beer! Fink I wud have had 2 stay sober at them prices! Lol, shocking, u went as Marilyn ;p So u pulled the look off good did u, lol nearly pissed myself wen u said u’d do urself, it reminded me of a joke I have wiv sum of my m8s, it’s from Silence of the Lambs, wen the killer says “wud u fuk me? I’d fuk me.” Bet u looked better than the other Marilyn @ da st party ;) Oh lordy, I iz 2 tired L8ly, 6 day weeks r killin me @ work, fink Im gonna b 2 knackered 2go partyin 2nite, but as soon as I get home Im gonna smoke a fat Haze J go bed, n try re-charge my batteries 4 2nite. Hmm I wants my duvet! Enjoys ur wkend, & hope ur feelin more lively than me, x ((hugs))

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By IDrinkaRum on Oct 30, 2009 at 3:39 PM

Got MRI on the 23rd of October. Will be getting results on November 9. Hubs is taking the day off so he can come with me. :) Little one is sick. She has strep throat. Hopefully she'll be well by the time she goes back to school next week! I'm hoping not to get it as my doc has told me the next time I come in with strep throat, he's sending me to an ENT specialist so I can have my tonsils removed! Nonoon ... I like my tonsils. XD Hope you're doing well in your neck of the woods. <<hugs>>

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By Green_Lung on Oct 30, 2009 at 9:35 AM

2/2 O, u on the beers were u, u drink lager r beer (I’l drink ewt, but gin) but Im going off lager lately, I’ve reached that age I fink, were it just makes me bloated from all the gas. Had sum lovely pear cider on my lunch break b4. Hmm in an hours time I’l b home drinking n smoking n prob sumfin else naughty too :D U ready for Halloween, r do u H8 it? Im going in a really tacky self made costume, Im goin as Thomas Beattie, the worlds 1st pregnant man, well Ive already got most of the look, Im a man, wiv short hair n stubble just like him/her! Just need to look pregnant, and write a condescending message on my T-shirt so people know who I am. Take cares, n say hero to Jack for me if u c him, I’m still banning myself from drinking spirits. Take care, n stay amazing ;D x ((hugs))

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By Green_Lung on Oct 30, 2009 at 9:34 AM

1/2 Lol I thought so, n ya don’t have 2 apologise, bn there loads myself ;) n I did get the jist of wot u were sayin. Well if I ever becum a multi millionaire from OCD cleaning enterprise, I’l give u some royalties for using the name ;p Lol yea I don’t fink I’l get my mum that, I’l stick 2 the usual gifts, CDs DVDs perfume, expensive body wash stuff and anyfing 2do wiv religion, it’s gud having a devout catholic for a mum, can always buy her junk from Christian bookshops. Oh im so happeh, I’ve got Saturday off 4 once, so lucky me has 2 days off this week, I iz gonna get wasted 4 2days solid!! Lol, I fink only wierdos n freaks wud buy my sweat, even if it stinks of weed at times! But I’l retract my last statement if u wanna buy sum bottled o’dour la Green_lung ;p

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By IDrinkaRum on Oct 22, 2009 at 1:25 PM

The coils in the a.c. needed to be cleaned. The tech thought we needed freon, which we didn't. Because we didn't need the freon, we got a new thermostat instead, and then we signed a year-long service contract. If they're called between now and next october, we get 10% off all parts/services. and the next time they come out to check everything, we don't have to pay for anything. it's nice :) I like the new thermostat as it's digital and much easier to read. tomorrow, i have to go to the national institute of health in bethesda, md to get an mri done. doc found a murmur in my heart and wants to make sure there's nothing majorly wrong. Whew. hubs is driving me. :)

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By Green_Lung on Oct 22, 2009 at 8:52 AM

Cont... Oh but on gud news, the booze aint giving me headaches anymore, super sweet :) B careful n don’t let ur habbit get any bigger (hope I don’t sound preachy!) , it nearly ruined my mum 2 yrs bak, lol i guess i know where i get my luv of drink from. Hope ur nearing the end of ur drama, I’l send u sum calming thoughts ur way, wen I get home ;) Lol were u drinking wen u sent me that last message, sum txt was missing. I just popped outta work 4 a cig, well a rolly, sum bloke asked me 4 a go on my spliff, he said I stink of it, glad 2 know Im sweating weed! Well I best go, nearly home time, gotta wind down the office. Take cares, speak to u soon ((hugs)) x

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By Green_Lung on Oct 22, 2009 at 8:51 AM

Hello stranger! Missed u recently, glad u missed me too, awe ;p Lol yea i fink i’ve given up on the idea of those pain killers, but if I do ever fancy em, I’ll just neck a couple and stop overfinking ;) Im back on the cheese weed again, so tastey, Im bak in stoner heaven :D OCD cleaner, that wud b a gud name for a cleaning company! Oh a steam mop, Bday present 4 my mum, r is that sexist? Yea we have QVC ova here too, and a thousand other shopping channels! I remember b4 QVC we used 2 have a US shopping show with the British guy on it, I fink he was called Mike, u know who im on about, r am i just confusing the crap out of u? Lol it’s been a long month for me :( Sucks too Ive had sum chest infection type fing past 2 week, my rite lung was killin me, wen i breathed in, was like a knife being stuck in me, but it seems 2b slowly going away, Ive not bothered goin docs, not had time too, workin every bloody day but Sunday!

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By shanebc01 on Oct 21, 2009 at 9:35 PM

oops typo. ell shoulda been well

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By shanebc01 on Oct 21, 2009 at 9:35 PM

We're doin good. Hope everything's ell for ya'll. yup I was an Air Force Brat born in Warner Robbins AFB in GA. It was pretty fun traveling around everywhere. Glad you're back online. TTYL (*hugs back*)

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By IDrinkaRum on Oct 12, 2009 at 4:36 AM

Well, hubs is going to daughter's school this morinng! They are having a "Donuts with Dads" day. I filled out the little form saying that he was going to attend. XD Yes, I'm a sneaky momma like that. Oh well. He needs to do daddy/daughter things with her. While he's gone, I have to call the people who work on air conditioners. I'm lucky it's October and nice and cool right now instead of July and hotter than blazes. The A.C. unit in the basement is flooding for some reason. :( Yeah, not something we really needed.

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By Green_Lung on Oct 10, 2009 at 5:37 AM

Oh just ran out of sapce, erm space i meanz. I can't decide wot 2 do 2nite, its my only nite off this week, then Im workin 6 days solid, lol those pain killers they gave me, keep yelling at me from their drawer, but I can't grow the man jellies 2 take them wiv alcohol, lol cos the label says not too! Lol, since wen do I care about advice. U fink it will b ok? U fink Im bein a girl about this (no offence 2 girls any and every where ;p ) Good luck wiv the job huntin, if I win the lottery, u wanna b my house keeper? The benefits wud b amazing, all the free bud u could handle! R I cud employ u as my 'personal' gardener ;) Has a great weekend, and keep well, ((huge hugs)) x

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By Green_Lung on Oct 10, 2009 at 5:29 AM

Yea i bn gud this week, except Im getting bad headaches the day after drinking beer, I wouldn’t mind but Im only like drinking 4 bottles n it’s giving me really bad aches which aspirin can’t shift, shocking I fink I’ve lost my tolerance 2 booze! :( Try downloading a free program called Ad-Aware, and run it’s check fingy, it different from anti virus, it may solve ur PC problem. Oh sad 2 hear u’ve bn depressed L8ly, I’l send u a big warm hug, well a frosty Brit hug, but it will warm up wen it reaches Florida ;) Wot type of job u, ideally, lookin for? Yea cheese weed! sucks tho, I missed the opportunity 2buy sum blue cheese :( Glad u wrapped ur fingars on sum goody bud! Sweet ive bn asked 2 go a party in The Lake District, it’s a national park near-ish 2 me, in a few week ends time, lots of drinking, severe cold, n probably mite get sum naughty treats i’ve not done in a while, im finking shrooms :D, oh Im gonna b 1 wiv the wilderness! Yea I’l make sure any windows aren’t so see-thru!

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By shanebc01 on Oct 6, 2009 at 2:19 PM

Howdy. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. How's everything goin? Wow, I'm so slow. I just noticed for the first time you live in Melbourne Fl. I used to live right next there way back when I was 15, when my father was stationed at Patrick AFB. I'm sure you know of it. That's how I eneded up here, in MS. My dad took one more assignment before retiring. Gosh I'm slow at noticing things. ha ha.

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