The latest from randomstuffking

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These Are All the Overwatch Doggos So Far

These Are All the Overwatch Doggos So Far
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These Hilarious One-Star Amazon Reviews Prove That Even Literary Classics Aren't Immune to Criticism

These Hilarious One-Star Amazon Reviews Prove That Even Literary Classics Aren't Immune to Criticism
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there i fixed it

there i fixed it
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Shots Fired On Twitter From Baby Boomers with #HowToConfuseAMillennial and They Did Not Like the Rebuttal

Shots Fired On Twitter From Baby Boomers with #HowToConfuseAMillennial and They Did Not Like the Rebuttal
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This Twitter Bot Will Create a New Fantasy World Every Hour

This Twitter Bot Will Create a New Fantasy World Every Hour
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A Dad Let His Daughter Take a Bite of a Deer Heart and Now the Internet Is Losing Their Minds

A Dad Let His Daughter Take a Bite of a Deer Heart and Now the Internet Is Losing Their Minds
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This Talented Japanese Artist Turns Pokémon Into Real Life Animals

This Talented Japanese Artist Turns Pokémon Into Real Life Animals
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Ain't He a Hoot?

Ain't He a Hoot?
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Jared Leto Wore a Bold, Green Coat to the Suicide Squad Premiere So Some Jokers on the Internet Photoshopped Him

Jared Leto Wore a Bold, Green Coat to the Suicide Squad Premiere So Some Jokers on the Internet Photoshopped Him
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The Ultimate Compilation of Dad Jokes

The Ultimate Compilation of Dad Jokes
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Just be and the Bovine Peeps

Just be and the Bovine Peeps
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That Moment You Check Social Media and Realize How Much Stupid is There

That Moment You Check Social Media and Realize How Much Stupid is There
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Troll Comedian Gets a Scam Call and Decides to Play Along

Troll Comedian Gets a Scam Call and Decides to Play Along
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This Guy's Photoshop Skills are in High Demand for Shaming Terrible People Who are Also Technologically Challenged

This Guy's Photoshop Skills are in High Demand for Shaming Terrible People Who are Also Technologically Challenged


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