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By Tidmum on Nov 25, 2009 at 12:46 PM

yesh.Mai 3 pairs ov wood pijins have eeted mai Hostas an sum udder plants O.o Hazel onlee dreems ov catchin tehm,an Fern has a gud try, but they is too clebber for her :D The Bois is watchin owt teh window an beein berry intrested in them ;)

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By Tidmum on Nov 25, 2009 at 12:43 PM

heer it is, I hoap it werks :D Has nawt taken ennymoar yet,It's been a bit upsdie down heer...Marcus got made redundant this week O.O an we is tryin to sort fings owt :(

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By Tidmum on Nov 24, 2009 at 1:43 PM

*KLUNK*...I is Dee ee dee DED! frum teh kyootness ov bengals an torties an floofy kittehs an BC's an BnW's an bebbeh raddits an Oh mai!! I dunfinkso I shall recubber......:D What beautiful kittehs. Want.Ohyeshyeshyesh :D And I can't help admiring your Hostas and was that a Heuchera mingled in with it? I planted both this year...the pijins and snails have eetid teh Hosta's :( the heuchera is ok,but burried under a pile of leaves..*gets out leaf blower*...

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By nativeca66 on Nov 21, 2009 at 9:59 AM

Ohai wun moar time. Cali iz tawp kitteh. Nawt real mommah ai doan finkso.

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By nativeca66 on Nov 21, 2009 at 9:55 AM

Ohai again WB. Yes, 5 Eagles sed sumfing berry nawty. Ai nawt want tew repeat it, but it related tew a stereotype ob a certain religious peeps.

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By nativeca66 on Nov 21, 2009 at 9:52 AM

Dats uh gud idea WB. It nawt hab uh window, but ai culd install wun aifinkso. I didn fink ai wuz gunna hab uh cat howse *snerk* awn teh property. Udderwise, ai wooda gawtwun wif uh window already innit.

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By drpepper on Nov 20, 2009 at 4:04 PM

he was just getting really old. so we took him to the vet for the doctors to look at him and all he had was a tumor in his mouth. but then we found out that he had cancer so we took him to the pound for them to look at him and that was the last time i was able to see him again.

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By cweenmj on Nov 20, 2009 at 2:55 PM

Will do. I had ben thinking uv dewing it and pondering if it shud go on deh Princess Mu Medow page oar on deh frunt page oar bof. I finso, bof wud b gud. :-)

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By drpepper on Nov 20, 2009 at 2:22 PM

hey i made an lol on a cat eating a plant. please favorite it and vote so maybe it can make it to the front page. (PLEASE!!)

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By nativeca66 on Nov 20, 2009 at 12:01 AM

Ohai WB. Yesh yesh. I didn hab problem wif varmints at furst, but nao teh Rockies showed up. The 'Yotes and possims stay away coz shed iz next tew neightbor yard wif big goggies, but the rakoonz jes flip dem teh bird and say, "Wuts mein iz mein, and dis iz mein. So, nao ai bring kibblolz in bowls in teh morning and gushifuds at nite. Teh heater iz foar daddeh, nawt ferule bebbehs, butt wen ai iz owt there, they warm dems butts 'fore dey snorglol in the furniture blankeez. Ai did put the blankeez awn tawp ob awl the shelves yisterday wen ai bizit dem in teh morning, and dey wuz awl snorglold up theres. Cali awlreddy told meh 'bout teh door. Shii freeks owt iffn ai try to close it, eben wen shii iz owtside. Shii howls, "NO daddeh!" Shii caretaker ob the boyz. Shii sed, "PHHHT PHHHT" wen Rockie came 'rownd tonight. Ai had tew tell her, "NO!"

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By momchan on Nov 17, 2009 at 12:30 PM

Ohai Willyboy! Fanks fur extindin teh floofy paw uf frendship tu mi. Mah pooter prollems seemz tu haz resulved demselfz wif no halp frum mi. Musta bin teh pie.

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By silverpaw on Nov 11, 2009 at 9:12 AM

der we go. gingah iz up^^

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By silverpaw on Nov 11, 2009 at 9:09 AM

ohai back willyboy! Akshully dat piccy der is off ze internet; ai still doan hab any gud piccys of ginger up :( Soon...

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By palinsc on Nov 10, 2009 at 4:24 PM

ohai willyboy. fankees fur frenden me. i have only been able to play at work, but now i have a lap top so i can play wif teh cheezpeeps more!

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By honeycakerabbit on Nov 10, 2009 at 2:50 AM

OMCC willyboy! We has nawt been fwenz b-foar? Hao cud that happun? I cud have sworn we was! Nao finullee! Fankies foar teh rekwest! *does a littlol happidans* *hophophoptwiiiiirl* {{willyboy}}

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By sunnyhuckle on Nov 7, 2009 at 6:03 PM

Yes, teh kittehs must be fed no matter wut! wuz embarassing tho, that car's hedlites swept over me jus az they was parkin rite next tew me, an they got a technicolor view of wut they wuz gonna hafta step over or around. on teh grand scale uv things, tho, ai honestly didn't give a yoo-no-wut! an teh oh-so-kind triage nurse at teh e.r. wuz awl worryin about me, an sayin they wanted tew get sum foods in me afore teh cafeteria closed, taht wuz wut pushed me rite over teh ej!

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By bgcmeowrrrr on Nov 7, 2009 at 12:17 AM

O' abt Altadena--teh dairy iz long gone, but someone has teh rights tew teh naym. Itz awl suburbz up heer nao. As fr mi, don't drink much milkz. There R still some "kiosks" all over LA county that still have drive-in service for Altadena Dairy but they R dyin' out. Sigh. Greater Pasadena is now bein overdevelopt by condos n it goes.

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By bgcmeowrrrr on Nov 5, 2009 at 5:52 PM

O yesh, Burien iz west ov Mt. Rainier-I nebber drivez thru dere, bcs I prefs teh mtn rds goin norf n souf. I goes tew SeattLOL ebry 2 yrz or so. I waz on rd frum Aug 5 to Oct 9. Way aftr teh cheezmeet. BUT! I sent msg to Tofu in teh HQ n askt if I cd vizit. She sedz YESH! So met her n Big Ben & teh team! Dey R SO SWEET! Also vizited abt 5 uder peepz! Dey iz in mi LOLz. Glad U desyded tew join in teh fun heer. Ebrywun heer has goodness....but sum has such big sadz. We try to purr an kneadle supportive. Nextym Im up dere WE cd haz a Cheezmeet!

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By bgcmeowrrrr on Nov 4, 2009 at 10:32 PM

O HAI! Ru fairly Nu heer? Saw sumwun conecktid wif U in some thred dis last wk. "Booreyin" Wash...nd halp, can't tranzlayt! Ai haz mny frends up dere n in Washytin nLOLregon. Been gettin tew meet Cheezpeepz dis last summer! Hoap U can be wun sumday.

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By sunnyhuckle on Nov 4, 2009 at 6:05 PM

oh, teh mygraynes iz teh wurst! ai useta hab shots tew gib myself wen ai gawt them, they halped teh hed, but felt lyke wurms crawlin under my skin, ahcuz they wuz a vein-shrinkin thing! cannawt hab them naow ahcuz uv teh blood preshyoor, but doesn't get so minny anymoar. But! teh nyte teh tr0ll went into teh horse-pittal, ai got wun in teh emerjensy room, but culd nawt leev wif my luv so sick...finedly ran tew teh bafroom tew toss, but wuz a mama wif a liddle wun goin potty, culd nawt stand tew toss in front uv teh kidlet, so ran tew teh parkin lot, got in my car an spewed out teh door, uv coarse, just az sumwun wuz pullin in an parkin ryte next to me, wuz teh wurst! sawry ifn too graffik, but in teh books, teh wyfe getz amayzing inner strength an demands that teh docs fix her lub, an awl libs happily eber after, but in reel lyfe, ai jus gawt a mygrayne an spewed. *sigh* iz lyfe, ai guess!

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