Wolves may normally be depicted as scary and violent creatures. The big bad wolves, right? Wrong. Oh, so very wrong. They're also known as some of the most affectionate, cutest animals out there. They are always running together in packs. They howl if they're separated from their pack sometimes as a signal, sometimes just to show some love. A little love goes a long way in wolf packs, that's for sure. Not only are wolves adorable, fluffy goofballs who are basically just overgrown doggos, they are also incredibly loving, friendly, and sweet. Just look at these two adorable wolves cozying up to each other in the snow. Sighs, it really just melts our hearts. Yup, there our hearts go, melting away. Bye hearts!
"When Ambassador wolf Zephyr licks and nibbles Nikai, not only is he keeping his brother's fur clean and free of debris, his grooming efforts are gestures of intimacy that reaffirm the unique emotional bonds that shape the foundation of the family. Ultimately, wolf families are just like ours; they play together, eat together, groom one another, and most importantly, love together. When it comes to wolves it's all about family.." Via Wolf Conservation Center.