Hey friends! Today we witnessed a very angy boi Norwegian Forest Cat totally telling off and giving it to his groomer, who somehow managed to leave this angy boi looking very refreshed! The cat's owner even commented on this video to give all of the viewers a little more info about the adorably angy boi they're witnessing: "Bandits owner here! I'm glad you all enjoy my big son! And he's very talkative when it comes to dinner time!"
This video purrty much sums up cat trips to the groomers, especially when the cats are on the feisty side. There are also calm, sweet moments like when Bandit looks like he's thinking about the meaning of life and just can't be bothered to be bothered about the grooming. The interaction of Bandit being like, "No!" and the groomer quietly switching to the buzzer is actually insanely cute. It's mutual respect and good communication for us. We just want to know, how can a cat look like a distinguished fine gentleman? It's baffling. All he needs is a monocle and he's set.