I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Keith the Cow Cat is Shattering Feline Body Stereotypes by Being Big, Beautiful, and by Never Saying No to a Treat


Keith the cat, a rotund kitty icon, has become famous on TikTok for a number of reasons, largely his immense size and basketball-like physique. He has become an internet sensation not only because he is the cutest Garfield to grace our screens, but has the heftiest, most adorable appetite you’ve ever seen. To describe his grace, he a mostly-white fuzzy body, dotted with blotchy black spots that seem to highlight his curves- or lack thereof. He is clearly a cat whose priorities are simple: lounge, look cute, and consume. 


With his charming black-and-white cow spots, Keith has come into his own, manifesting his cowish destiny through his girthy appearance and leaning into his greatest desire…



I can hear that sound from a mile away!


Some onlookers share pity for Keith and scold his owner for sharing too many snacks or overfeeding. Several of Keith’s followers criticize the fact that he is not taking heed of his pet’s longevity and overall health, endangering his life and exposing Keith to potential health problems down the road. Perhaps the critiques have a point, noting the double standard that exceptionally large pets are praised, while obese humans get chastised. However, the life of a pet has different goals, intentions, and purposes. It’s true that Keith the cat must be in the 99th percentile of feline largeness, but it seems like he is living the life of luxury, getting everything and anything he could ever want or need. And isn’t that all a pet could ever ask for? 



Regardless of Keith’s obesity status and the ethics surrounding his care and wellbeing, he is an impressive puff ball. Despite his circumference, he is surprisingly agile and deceptively fast- especially when there are kitty treats involved. 

Paired with the theme from the 20th Century Fox intro, a trumpeting, exaggerated fanfare, @keith_the_cat_cow has made a video of our star, sauntering into the kitchen towards the promise of treats. Timed with the iconic tune that defined many of our childhood afternoon movie sessions, the brown, kibble-like treats tremble in their container as the snare drums roll, the treats fearing consumption from a Godzillian cat creature. As he emerges from around the corner, no doubt panting for the exertion, trumpets sound and Keith gratefully stomps towards his owner. Triumphantly, Keith monches the snacks with a hunch in his back and the weight of his tummy spilling out from beneath him. 

If only we could all be so gloriously happy.



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