There, I Fixed It

10 Reasons Why Duct Tape is the Best Invention Ever

  • 1

    It's über chic...

    Cheezburger Image 6565891072
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  • 2

    It prevents your remotes from falling in the couch cracks...

    Cheezburger Image 6997009152
  • 3

    It can keep your butt comfortable...

    Cheezburger Image 6763029760
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    It can protect you against proletarian riff raff...

    Cheezburger Image 6854546176
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    It can hold your hair back...

    Cheezburger Image 7039934720
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    It can help you keep track of time...

    Cheezburger Image 6859725056
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    It can help you pimp your ride...

    Cheezburger Image 6955800576
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    It can help you fix your airplane...

    Cheezburger Image 6433997056
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    Or your moon buggy...

    Cheezburger Image 5501915392
  • 10

    It holds the freaking universe together!

    Cheezburger Image 7122235136


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