What started off tragic ended up leading to a heartwarming friendship between a fox and two doggos. Cliodhna O'Leary, a 29-year-old animal lover from Cork, Ireland, used to be visited by two foxes from time to time - a brother and sister. But one day, tragically, the brother got run over and died. O'Leary, having grown attached to the beautiful smiling foxes, decided to adopt the 2-week-old fox who lost her brother into her own little family, and in an incredible turn of events, she "watched in awe as the creature befriended her pug and springer spaniel puppy."
Read more about the tragic story and the amazing friendship below!
O'Leary spoke to DailyMail about how the fox is adjusting. "Every day, I call out her name and she comes running. But she will never come for anyone else as she is very wary and nervous," she explains. "She then puts her paws on my leg and lets me pet her. Or sometimes, I wake up and she is at my window. I have let her in for food before. She gently takes it from my hand and then hops back out. She is such a beautiful animal."
"I've fed her since she was about two weeks old - she used to visit with her brother. It was so sad when he got ran over as she was always calling out for him," she continues. "She missed him terribly but I think my pug and springer spaniel helped her as they've become friends.."
Now, the adorable smiling fox follows O'Leary on dog walks! "She is a little bit like a dog but she is always listening and on the lookout. Her ears are always up and she is ready to run," O'Leary said. "She is also always smiling. It is so amazing. She grins at me every day."
"She will eat almost anything. I have no doubts that she would eat my chicken and hens but she hasn't. I tend to feed her meat," she adds. "She is such a pleasure to be around and it has been amazing watching her grow." We, of course, wish this amazing cub as well as her big-hearted adoptive mom and her two doggo BFFs an amazing time together. We hope to continue watching them grow and become even better friends, and we hope that in time, the fox will learn to be more relaxed and happy with her new family.
This is not the first time, by the way, that we've seen a dog and fox become friends, and you can read about another amazing friendship between them here. Maybe there's something special that brings the two species together.
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