Working As A Wild Animal Tech (Viral Thread)

  • 01

    "What I do often varies wildly depending on the day, jumping in wherever I'm called to assist."

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  • 02

    "My job in the before times looked more like this. The event was a wedding I attended as this gal's plus one (Great grey owl, she was invited not me) And yes the same picture is on my mom's fridge."

  • 03

    "Foggy mornings brought to you by Silent Hill— made even spookier by the eerie lack of traffic."

  • 04

    "Get in line for the bathroom ASAP before someone else uses up all the hot water. Again."

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  • 05

    "Work starts at 8am. While in peak pandemic shifts, I would go home anywhere from 7-11pm until the job's done. First task of the day is breakfast specifically tailored to each individual species' diet plan."

  • 06

    "Sometimes the animals are very AP (aesthetically pleasing) and enjoyable to look after. Altricial baby birds, as opposed to precocial young like this mallard, usually need feeding every 60, 45, or 30 min depending on their size."

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  • 07

    "At other times, venomous animals like this Northern Pacific rattlesnake need a hand as well. Mainly because they have no hands. Another story that deserves its own post bc snakes are my favorite and I need more time to ramble."

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  • 08

    "Checka checka my email over a casual lunch meeting with classroom ambassador Chip, who's been having a long wheek."

  • 09

    "Sometimes I get to help preserve specimens for the Natural History collection too. K inachus aka 'dead leaf' butterfly."

  • 10

    "When I have time at my desk, I like to make illustrations and graphics like this for teammates' projects. This newt life cycle was drawn for a recently canceled project that I'd otherwise have no chance to share. It's been a long month."

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  • 11

    "The freeloader from earlier is a feral (domestic, non-native) pigeon child I took in and hand raised last summer. Putt-Putt has taken to program training very well, largely thanks to them being very food-motivated and attentive."

  • 12
    Picture frame - VAZ MA W JJA


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